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Releases: libgit2/libgit2

libgit2 v1.8.0

20 Mar 20:54
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This is release v1.8.0, "Das Fliegende Klassenzimmer". This release includes optional, experimental support for invoking OpenSSH to fetch and push, an easier mechanism to perform the default behavior of git commit, and has many improvements for worktrees. This release also includes many other new features and bugfixes.

Major changes

  • Executable SSH (OpenSSH) support
    libgit2 can now invoke the command-line OpenSSH to fetch from and push to remotes over SSH. This support takes the place of libssh2 support. To use it, configure libgit2 with cmake -DUSE_SSH=exec, and please report any problems that you discover. By @ethomson in #6617

  • Simplified commit creation
    The git_commit_create_from_stage API was introduced to allow users to better emulate the behavior of git commit without needing to provide unnecessary information. The current state of the index is committed to the current branch. By @ethomson in #6716

  • Worktree improvements
    A number of worktree improvements have been made for better compatibility with core git. First, libgit2 now understands per-worktree references, thanks to @csware in #6387. Worktree-specific configuration is now supported, thanks to @vermiculus in #6202. And improved compatibility with git worktree add is now supported, thanks to @herrerog in #5319.

Breaking changes

  • Adding WORKTREE configuration level (ABI breaking change)
    To support worktree configurations at the appropriate level (higher priority than local configuration, but lower priority than app-specific configuration), the GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_WORKTREE level was introduced at priority 6. GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_APP now begins at priority 7.

  • Changes to git_config_entry (ABI breaking change) The git_config_entry structure now contains information about the backend_type and origin_path. The unused payload value has been removed.

  • git_push_options includes remote push options (ABI breaking change)
    The git_push_options structure now contains a value for remote push options.

Other changes

New features

Bug fixes

  • repository: make cleanup safe for re-use with grafts by @carlosmn in #6600
  • fix: Add missing include for oidarray. by @dvzrv in #6608
  • ssh: fix known_hosts leak in _git_ssh_setup_conn by @steven9724 in #6599
  • proxy: Return an error for invalid proxy URLs instead of crashing. by @lrm29 in #6597
  • errors: refactoring - never return NULL in git_error_last() by @ethomson in #6625
  • Reject potential option injections over ssh by @carlosmn in #6636
  • remote: fix memory leak in git_remote_download() by @7Ji in #6651
  • git2: Fix crash when called w/o parameters by @csware in #6673
  • Avoid macro redefinition of ENABLE_INTSAFE_SIGNED_FUNCTIONS by @csware in #6666
  • util: suppress some uninitialized variable warnings by @boretrk in #6659
  • fetch: enable deepening/shortening shallow clones by @kempniu in #6662
  • push: set generic error in push_negotiation cb by @ethomson in #6675
  • process: test /usr/bin/false on BSDs by @ethomson in #6677
  • clone: don't mix up "http://url" with "http:/url" when figuring out if we should do a local clone by @boretrk in #6361
  • Several compatibility fixes by @ethomson in #6678
  • Git blame buffer gives the wrong result in many cases where there are… by @thosey in #6572
  • Fix 'path cannot exist in repository' during diff for in-memory repository by @kcsaul in #6683
  • process: don't try to close the status by @ethomson in #6693
  • Minor bug fixes by @ethomson in #6695
  • Bypass shallow clone support for in-memory repositories by @kcsaul in #6684
  • examples: use unsigned int for bitfields by @ethomson in #6699
  • Fix some bugs caught by UBscan by @ethomson in #6700
  • git_diff_find_similar doesn't always remove unmodified deltas by @yori in #6642
  • httpclient: clear client-> after use by @ethomson in #6705
  • Do not normalize paths by @csware in #6668
  • clone: don't swallow error in should_checkout by @ethomson in #6727
  • Correct index add directory/file conflict detection by @ethomson in #6729
  • Correct git_revparse_single and add revparse fuzzing by @ethomson in #6730
  • config: properly delete or rename section containing multivars by @samueltardieu in #6723
  • revparse: ensure bare '@' is truly bare by @ethomson in #6742
  • repo: ensure we can initialize win32 paths by @ethomson in #6743
  • Swap GIT_DIFF_LINE_(ADD|DEL)_EOFNL to match other Diffs by @xphoniex in #6240
  • diff: fix test for SHA256 support in diff_from_buffer by @ethomson in #6745
  • http: support empty http.proxy config setting by @ethomson in #6744
  • More improvements by @ethomson in #6739
  • Ensure that completely ignored diff is empty by @ethomson in #5893
  • Fix broken regexp that matches submodule names containing ".path" by @csware in #6749
  • Fix memory leaks by @csware in #6748
  • Make refdb_fs (hopefully) fully aware of per worktree refs by @csware in #6387
  • fix log example by @albfan in #6359
  • fetch: fail on depth for local transport by @ethomson in #6757
  • Fix message trailer parsing by @ethomson in #6761
  • config: correct fetching the HIGHEST_LEVEL config by @ethomson in #6766
  • Avoid some API breaking changes in v1.8 by @ethomson in #6768

Build and CI improvements

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libgit2 v1.7.2

06 Feb 20:20
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🔒 This is a security release with multiple changes.

  • A bug in git_revparse_single is fixed that could have caused the function to enter an infinite loop given well-crafted inputs, potentially causing a Denial of Service attack in the calling application. This fixes CVE-2024-24575, which was discovered by researchers at Amazon AWS.

  • A bug in git_index_add is fixed that could have caused the function to corrupt its heap and possibly lead to arbitrary code execution. This fixes CVE-2024-24577, which was discovered by researchers at Amazon AWS.

  • A bug in the smart transport negotiation could have caused an out-of-bounds read when a remote server did not advertise capabilities.

The libgit2 project thanks the researchers and outreach team at AWS Security for finding the git_index_add and git_revparse_single bugs, and providing details and reproduction steps during their responsible disclosure.

All users of the v1.7 release line are recommended to upgrade.

libgit2 v1.6.5

06 Feb 20:20
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🔒 This is a security release with multiple changes.

  • A bug in git_revparse_single is fixed that could have caused the function to enter an infinite loop given well-crafted inputs, potentially causing a Denial of Service attack in the calling application. This fixes CVE-2024-24575, which was discovered by researchers at Amazon AWS.

  • A bug in git_index_add is fixed that could have caused the function to corrupt its heap and possibly lead to arbitrary code execution. This fixes CVE-2024-24577, which was discovered by researchers at Amazon AWS.

  • A bug in the smart transport negotiation could have caused an out-of-bounds read when a remote server did not advertise capabilities.

The libgit2 project thanks the researchers and outreach team at AWS Security for finding the git_index_add and git_revparse_single bugs, and providing details and reproduction steps during their responsible disclosure.

All users of the v1.6 release line are recommended to upgrade.

libgit2 v1.7.1

14 Aug 21:49
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What's Changed

Bug fixes

  • proxy: Return an error for invalid proxy URLs instead of crashing. by @lrm29 in #6597
  • ssh: fix known_hosts leak in _git_ssh_setup_conn by @steven9724 in #6599
  • repository: make cleanup safe for re-use with grafts by @carlosmn in #6600
  • fix: Add missing include for oidarray. by @dvzrv in #6608
  • Revert "CMake: Search for ssh2 instead of libssh2." by @ethomson in #6619

Compatibility improvements

  • stransport: macOS: replace errSSLNetworkTimeout, with hard-coded value by @mascguy in #6610

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.7.1

libgit2 v1.7.0

17 Jul 10:01
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This is release v1.7.0, "Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt". This release adds shallow clone support, completes the experimental SHA256 support, adds Schannel support for Windows, and includes many other newj features and bugfixes.

Major changes

  • Shallow clone support
    libgit2 now supports shallow clone and shallow repositories, thanks to a significant investment from many community members -- hundreds of commits by many contributors.

  • SHA256 support
    libgit2 should now support SHA256 repositories using the extensions.objectFormat configuration option when the library is built with EXPERIMENTAL_SHA256=ON. Users are encouraged to begin testing their applications with this option and provide bug reports and feedback. This is a breaking API change; SHA256 support will be enabled by default in libgit2 v2.0.

  • Schannel and SSPI for Windows
    libgit2 now supports the Windows Schannel and SSPI APIs for HTTPS support on Windows, when configured with USE_HTTPS=Schannel. Setting this option will not use the existing WinHTTP support, but will use libgit2's standard HTTP client stack with Windows TLS primitives. Windows users are encouraged to begin testing their applications with this option and provide bug reports and feedback. This will be enabled by default in a future version of libgit2.

Breaking changes

  • Simplify custom pluggable allocator (System API / ABI breaking change)
    The git_allocator structure (configurable by the GIT_OPT_SET_ALLOCATOR option) now only contains gmalloc, grealloc and gfree members. This simplifies both the work needed by an implementer and allows more flexibility and correctness in libgit2 itself, especially during out-of-memory situations and errors during bootstrapping.

    • tests: add allocator with limited number of bytes by @ethomson in #6563

Other changes

New features

Performance improvements

Bug fixes

  • repo: don't allow repeated extensions by @ethomson in #6505
  • config: return GIT_ENOTFOUND for missing programdata by @ethomson in #6547
  • Fix missing oid type for "fake" repositories by @oreiche in #6554
  • Thread-local storage: handle failure cases by @ethomson in #5722
  • midx: allow unknown chunk ids in multi-pack index files by @carlosmn in #6583
  • pack: cast the number of objects to size_t by @carlosmn in #6584
  • Fixes #6344: git_branch_move now renames the reflog instead of deleting. by @arroz in #6345
  • #6576 git_diff_index_to_workdir reverse now loads untracked content by @arroz in #6577

Build and CI improvements

Documentation improvements

Dependency upgrades

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.6.3...v1.7.0

libgit2 v1.6.4

12 Apr 12:29
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What's Changed

Bug fixes

  • config: return GIT_ENOTFOUND for missing programdata by @ethomson in #6547

Full Changelog: v1.6.3...v1.6.4

libgit2 v1.6.3

21 Mar 11:14
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What's Changed

Bug fixes

Build and CI improvements

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.6.2...v1.6.3

libgit2 v1.6.2

28 Feb 10:23
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What's Changed

Bug fixes

  • remote: always populate old id in update tips by @ethomson in #6506
    The update tips callback would not always be properly provided with an empty (0000000...) OID for new refs.

  • Revert #6503 by @ethomson in #6511
    The certificate callback added port information for callbacks in #6503, but the format was ambiguous with IPv6 addresses. Revert this change temporarily.

  • Add git_odb_backend_loose back by @ethomson in #6512
    During SHA256 refactoring, the git_odb_backend_loose API was accidentally removed. Add it back.

  • meta: configure pkg-config .pc correctly by @ethomson in #6514
    During SHA256 refactoring, the pkg-config .pc file was erroneously renamed to git2 instead of libgit2. Repair this.

Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.6.2

libgit2 v1.6.1

25 Feb 13:54
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This is release v1.6.1, "Hubbeliges Krokodil". This release adds experimental SHA256 support and includes many new features and bugfixes. This release replaces libgit2 v1.6.0, which did not correctly update its version number(s).

What's Changed

New features

  • Support for bare repositories with SHA256 support (experimental) by @ethomson in #6191
    You can configure experimental SHA256 support in libgit2 with cmake -DEXPERIMENTAL_SHA256=ON during project setup. This is useful for considering future integrations, work on clients, and work on language bindings. At present, working with bare repositories should largely work, including remote operations. But many pieces of functionality - including working with the index - are not yet supported. As a result, libgit2 with SHA256 support should not be used in production or released with package distribution.

  • Support the notion of a home directory separately from global configuration directory by @ethomson in #6455 and #6456
    Callers and language bindings can now configure the home directory that libgit2 uses for file lookups (eg, the .ssh directory). This configuration is separate from the git global configuration path.

  • stash: partial stash specific files by @gitkraken-jacobw in #6330
    A stash can be created with only specific files, using a pathspec. This is similar to the git stash push command.

  • push: revparse refspec source, so you can push things that are not refs by @sven-of-cord in #6362
    Pushes can be performed using refspecs instead of only references.

  • Support OpenSSL3 by @ethomson in #6464 and #6471
    OpenSSL 3 is now supported, both when compiled directly and dynamically loaded.

Bug fixes

Security fixes

Code cleanups

Build and CI improvements

Documentation improvements

  • add 2-clause BSD license to COPYING by @martinvonz in #6413
  • Add new PHP bindings project to language bindings section of by @RogerGee in #6473
  • README: clarify the linking exception by @ethomson in #6494
  • Correct the definition of "empty" in the docs for git_repository_is_empty by @timrogers in #6500

New Contributors

libgit2 v1.5.2

25 Feb 10:06
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This is a bugfix release to improve the SSH key handling functionality that was introduced in v1.5.1.

  • libgit2 can now read the known_hosts file on Windows.
  • libgit2 will now examine all keys for a particular host in the known_hosts file for matches, to support remote hosts with multiple key types.

All users of the v1.5 release line are recommended to upgrade.