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lostanlen committed Aug 20, 2019
2 parents 82a0a0f + a786019 commit 368733e
Showing 1 changed file with 163 additions and 0 deletions.
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions librosa/core/
Expand Up @@ -336,3 +336,166 @@ def piptrack(y=None, sr=22050, S=None, n_fft=2048, hop_length=None,
+ dskew[idx[:, 0], idx[:, 1]])

return pitches, mags

def yin(y, sr=22050, frame_length=512, hop_length=None, fmin=40, fmax=None,
cumulative=False, interpolate=True,
threshold_1=0.1, threshold_2=0.2, pad_mode='reflect'):
'''Fundamental frequency (F0) estimation. [1]_
.. [1] De Cheveigné, A., & Kawahara, H. (2002).
"YIN, a fundamental frequency estimator for speech and music."
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111(4), 1917-1930.
y : np.ndarray [shape=(n,)]
audio time series
sr : number > 0 [scalar]
sampling rate of `y` in Hertz
frame_length : int [scalar]
length of the frame in samples.
By default, frame_length=512 corresponds to a time scale of 23 ms at
a sampling rate of 22050 Hz. This is close to the default of the
original publication.
We recommend setting `frame_length` to a power of two for optimizing
the speed of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm.
hop_length : None or int > 0 [scalar]
number of audio samples between adjacent YIN predictions.
If `None`, defaults to `frame_length // 4`.
fmin: number > 0 [scalar]
minimum frequency in Hertz
fmax: None or number > 0 [scalar]
maximum frequency in Hertz. If `None`, defaults to fmax = sr / 4.0
threshold_1: number >= 0 [scalar]
absolute threshold for peak estimation
threshold_2: number >= 0 [scalar]
absolute threshold for aperiodicity estimation
NB: we recommend setting threshold_2 >= threshold_1.
pad_mode: string or function
This argument is passed to `np.pad` for centering frames before
computing autocorrelation.
By default (`pad_mode="reflect"`), `y` is padded on both sides with its
own reflection, mirrored around its first and last sample respectively.
f0: np.ndarray [shape=(n_frames,)]
time series of fundamental frequencies in Hertz.
Null values represent the absence of a perceptible fundamental frequency.
See also
piptrack: sinusoidal peak interpolation
Computing a fundamental frequency curve from an audio input:
>>> y = librosa.chirp(440, 880, duration=7.0)
>>> yin(y)
array([ 0. , 0. , 222.62295321, ..., 877.12362404,
885.76086659, 886.80491703])
# Set the maximal frequency.
if fmax is None:
fmax = sr / 4

# Set the default hop, if it's not already specified.
if hop_length is None:
hop_length = int(frame_length // 4)

# Check that audio is valid.
util.valid_audio(y, mono=True)

# Pad the time series so that frames are centered.
y = np.pad(y, int(frame_length // 2), mode=pad_mode)

# Compute autocorrelation in each frame.
y_frames = util.frame(y, frame_length=frame_length, hop_length=hop_length)
n_frames = y_frames.shape[1]
acf_frames = librosa.autocorrelate(y_frames, axis=0)

# Difference function.
min_period = np.maximum(int(np.floor(sr/fmax)), 2)
max_period = np.minimum(int(np.ceil(sr/fmin)), frame_length-1)
boxcar_window =
energy = np.convolve(y*y, boxcar_window, mode="same")
energy_frames = util.frame(
energy, frame_length=frame_length, hop_length=hop_length)
energy_0 = energy_frames[0, :]
energy_tau = energy_frames[(min_period-1):(max_period+1), :]
acf_tau = acf_frames[(min_period-1):(max_period+1), :]
yin_frames = energy_0 + energy_frames - 2*acf_frames

# Cumulative mean normalized difference function.
# NB: Equation 8 in de Cheveigné and Kawahara JASA 2002 seems to imply that
# the denominator is: cumsum(difference_fames)/tau_range, not
# cumsum(difference_frames/tau_range) as we implement it.
# However, going back to line 48 of the MATLAB code by AdC, we find the line:
# dd= d(2:end) ./ (cumsum(d(2:end)) ./ (1:(p.maxprd)));
# in which the parentheses indicate that the division by tau must happen
# before the cumulative summation, not after.
# Therefore, in this implementation, we purposefully diverge from Equation 8
# and follow the MATLAB reference implementation instead.
if cumulative:
yin_numerator = yin_frames[(min_period-1):(max_period+1), :]
tau_range = np.arange(1, frame_length)[:, np.newaxis]
cumulative_mean = np.cumsum(yin_frames[1:, :]/tau_range, axis=0)
epsilon = np.finfo(y.dtype).eps
yin_denominator = epsilon + cumulative_mean[(min_period-2):max_period, :]
yin_frames = yin_numerator / yin_denominator

# Parabolic interpolation.
# NB: perhaps these operations can be fused to alleviate memory allocation?
if interpolate:
parabola_a =\
(yin_frames[:-2, :]+yin_frames[2:, :]-2*yin_frames[1:-1, :]) / 2
parabola_b = (yin_frames[2:, :]-yin_frames[:-2, :]) / 2
parabolic_shifts = -parabola_b / (2*parabola_a)
parabolic_values =\
yin_frames[1:-1, :] - parabola_b*parabola_b/(4*parabola_a)
is_trough = np.logical_and(
yin_frames[1:-1, :]<yin_frames[:-2, :],
yin_frames[1:-1, :]<yin_frames[2:, :])
yin_frames = yin_frames[1:-1, :]
yin_frames[is_trough] = parabolic_values[is_trough]
yin_frames = yin_frames[1:-1, :]

# Absolute threshold
# "The solution we propose is to set an absolute threshold and choose the
# smallest value of tau that gives a minimum of d' deeper than
# this threshold. If none is found, the global minimum is chosen instead."
yin_period = np.argmin(yin_frames, axis=0)
if threshold_1 > 0:
lower_bound = (yin_frames<threshold_1).argmax(axis=0)
upper_bound = np.minimum(2*lower_bound, max_period-min_period-1)
for frame_id in range(n_frames):
if lower_bound[frame_id]>0:
bounded_frame = yin_frames[
lower_bound[frame_id]:upper_bound[frame_id], frame_id]
new_argmin = np.argmin(bounded_frame, axis=0)
yin_period[frame_id] = lower_bound[frame_id] + new_argmin
yin_aperiodicity = yin_frames[yin_period, range(n_frames)]
yin_period = min_period + yin_period

# Refine peak by parabolic interpolation
if interpolate:
yin_period = yin_period + parabolic_shifts[yin_period, range(n_frames)]

# Convert period to fundamental frequency (f0)
f0 = sr / yin_period
f0[yin_aperiodicity > threshold_2] = 0
f0[f0<fmin] = 0
f0[f0>fmax] = 0
return f0

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