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Abhiyan Dhakal edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 5 revisions
  1. How to install?
  • If you're using a plugin manager, use "lifepillar/vim-colortemplate" as the installation slug. For example, for vim-plug users, Plug 'lifepillar/vim-colortemplate' inside your .vimrc will do the trick.

  • It's simple even without a plugin manager because vim-8+ has the package feature, see: :help package . Simply clone/download the repository and put it in ~/.vim/pack/foo/start/vim-colortemplate (create foo and foo/start if necessary: foo can be replaced by any other name). To make the plugin optional instead, the directory should be ~/.vim/pack/foo/opt/vim-colortemplate: then the plugin can be sourced when needed with :packadd vim-colortemplate.

  1. Hey, where's the documentation?!
  • See :help colortemplate.txt.
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