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A Clojure(Script) library for fetching data over HTTP(S)

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good-dog 🦴🐕

A ClojureScript library for fetching data over HTTP(S), based around the Fetch standard API available in modern browsers.


(ns my-app.core
  (:require [good-dog.core :as gd :refer [fetch]]))

;; fetch response from a URL
(-> (fetch {:url ""})
    ;; Reads the response as text
    (.then gd/text)
    (.then prn))

;; fetch response from a URL and automatically read it as JSON,
;; then convert it to CLJS data
(-> (gd/fetch-json {:url ""})
    (.then prn)
    ;; If an error occurs while reading as JSON or converting to CLJS data
    (.catch #(prn "error" %)))


good-dog.core/fetch takes all of the same options as the native Fetch API. It expects a map with keywords as keys.

It has the following differences:

  • The URL to send the request to is passed in via the :url key
  • It supports Sieppari interceptors via the :interceptors key
  • A different fetch implementation may be provided via the :fetch key


The object resolved by good-dog.core/fetch is a native Response type. good-dog.core also supplies a number of helpers for handling common operations such as converting to JSON, FormData, etc.


good-dog.core/fetch also provides the ability to add Sieppari interceptors to a request in order to transform the request and response before it resolves completely to the consumer.

A simple example:

(def json {:leave
           (fn json-leave [{:keys [response] :as ctx}]
             ;; reads the response body to completion and converts to JSON
             (-> (gd/json response)
                 (.then #(assoc ctx :response %))))})
(def ->cljs {:leave (fn to-cljs [ctx]
                      ;; converts JSON response to CLJS data
                      (update ctx :response js->clj :keywordize-keys true))})

(-> (fetch {:fetch node-fetch
            :interceptors [->cljs json]
            :url ""})
    (.then prn))

This can be helpful for adding things like auth headers to a request, coercing data, etc. in a general way that can be used throughout your applications.

Unsupported browsers and Node.js

For JS environments that do not come with js/window.fetch such as Node.js or older browsers, you may provide your own implementation of js/fetch via the :fetch key in the options.

Example using

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [good-dog.core :as gd :refer [fetch]]
            ["node-fetch" :as node-fetch]))

(-> (fetch-json {:fetch node-fetch
                 :url ""})
    (.then prn)
    (.catch #(prn "error" %)))


Please file an issue on GitHub if any are found.


Copyright 2019 Will Acton. MIT Licensed.


A Clojure(Script) library for fetching data over HTTP(S)







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