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ETL and Console Program "" file is a Python-based ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) program that allows users to extract data from a data source, transform it, and load it into a MariaDB HeidiSQL Database. "Functions & Console" is a Python-based console program that allows users to make data queries based on interacting with a program console menu.

Features Extract data from a JSON data sources using pyspark.sql SparkSession and API Endpoint JSON file using requests and json.loads. Transform data using custom Python pandas and pyspark functions based on the requrements from "Mapping Document.xlsx". Creating connection via pymysql connector. Creating a new database nad load transformed data into a MariaDB HeidiSQL created database.

Run the "Functions & Console" console program. The program reads loaded database via pyspark.sql SparkSession to make data queries.

Here's the Console Menu Skeleton: Main Menu:

  1. Transaction Details Menu 1.1. Customer Transactions by ZIP inputs: zip, month, year 1.2. Transactions by Transaction Type inputs: type 1.3. Transactions of Branches by State inputs: state 1.4. Back to Main Menu 1.5. Quit
  2. Customer Details Menu 2.1. Check the Account Details of the Customer inputs: ssn 2.2. Modify the Account Details of the Customer inputs: ssn Choose the parameter to update Menu: 2.2.1. First Name inputs: first_name Confirm Y/N Menu: inputs: y, n 2.2.2. Last Name inputs: last_name Confirm Y/N Menu: inputs: y, n 2.2.3. Middle Name inputs: middle_name Confirm Y/N Menu: inputs: y, n 2.2.4. Phone inputs: phone Confirm Y/N Menu: inputs: y, n 2.2.5. Email inputs: emaile Confirm Y/N Menu: inputs: y, n 2.2.6. Street Address inputs: street_address Confirm Y/N Menu: inputs: y, n 2.2.7. City inputs: city Confirm Y/N Menu: inputs: y, n 2.2.8. State inputs: state Confirm Y/N Menu: inputs: y, n 2.2.9. ZIP inputs: zip Confirm Y/N Menu: inputs: y, n 2.2.10. Country inputs: country Confirm Y/N Menu: inputs: y, n 2.2.11. Exit to the Previous Menu 2.3. Generate a Monthly Bill by Credit Card for a given Month and Year inputs: credit_card_no, month, year 2.4. Display Customer Transactions between Two Dates inputs: credit_card_no, start_date, end_date 2.5. Back to Main Menu 2.6. Quit
  3. Data Analysis and Visualization Menu 3.1. Transaction type with a high rate of transactions plot 3.2. State with a high number of customers plot 3.3. Customer with the highest transaction amount plot (all customers) 3.4. Approved applications for self-employed applicants percentage plot 3.5. Rejection for married male applicants percentage plot 3.6. Top 3 months with the largest transaction data plot 3.7. Branch with the highest total value of healthcare transactions plot 3.8. Back to Main Menu 3.9. Quit
  4. Exit

To use this program, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the program using python

Contributing Contributions to this project are welcome. To contribute, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix
  3. Make your changes and write tests if applicable
  4. Submit a pull request

Contact If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at

Credits Thanks to the Per Scholas Institution for providing the opportunity and makes dreams come true with their Data Engineering Intense Course Program. Special thanks to Samantha Grzegorzewski and Benjamin Witter.


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