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This installation guide is for the 2.x LinShare versions on Debian 8 Jessie (we do not support other Debian's distribution). Installation of previous version of LinShare are available at github branches in this case : LinShare 1.12.x

LinShare is open, free and available at this address :

You may find all the LinShare's versions at the following link. Pick the LinShare version that best suits your environement. Each LinShare version contains all the necessary components related to specific version of LinShare. Do not install or use a different component version other than the ones you'll find within the folder itself. Otherwise you run the risk of encountering dependencies issues and LinShare may not work properly.

For this installation, download the following files :

  • linshare-core-{VERSION}.war

  • linshare-ui-admin-{VERSION}.tar.bz2

  • linshare-ui-user-{VERSION}.tar.bz2

Version may differ for each component.

To manipulate the archives, it is necessary to use Unzip and Bzip tools :

[root@localhost ~]$ aptitude install unzip bzip2

Create the configuration repository of LinShare and past the configuration files :

[root@localhost ~]$ mv linshare-core-{VERSION}.war linshare.war
[root@localhost ~]$ mkdir -p /etc/linshare
[root@localhost ~]$ unzip -j -d /etc/linshare/ linshare.war WEB-INF/classes/{linshare,log4j}.*

Executive environment JAVA (JVM)

LinShare works with OpenJDK and Sun/Oracle Java 8. This section is on OpenJDK Java 8.

Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) of OpenJDK from the repositories :


  • If you are on a debian jessie, you might need to add jessie backport to your source.list file.
    To do so follow the following instructions : [root@localhost ~]$ vim /etc/apt/sources.list and add this line : deb jessie-backports main. Then do : aptitude update; aptitude -t jessie-backports install your_package.
[root@localhost ~]$ aptitude install openjdk-8-jre
[root@localhost ~]$ update-alternatives --config java

* You can ignore the possible errors from the Java plugin.

LinShare needs the use of a database (PostgreSQL) for its files and its configuration.

MySQL is not supported anymore in LinShare v2.

This section present an installation with PostgreSQL.

Install PostgreSQL from the repositories :

[root@localhost ~]$ aptitude install postgresql

Start the PostgreSQL service :

[root@localhost ~]$ service postgresql start

Secure accesses creation

Modify the PostgreSQL's access gestion file :

[root@localhost ~]$ vim /etc/postgresql/<VERSION>/main/pg_hba.conf
 # TYPE  DATABASE                  USER          CIDR-ADDRESS         METHOD
 local   linshare                  linshare                           md5
 host    linshare                  linshare         md5
 host    linshare                  linshare      ::1/128              md5

* Those lines are usually at the end of the file.
* For security reasons, the postgreSQL service only listen in local.
* Restart/reload the postgreSQL server after your modifications for they can be take in consideration:
[root@localhost ~]$ service postgresql restart/reload

You should also add those rules among the first. Indeed, PostgreSQL uses the first valid rule which match the authentication request.

Create the user "linshare" (password {PASSWORD}) :

[root@localhost ~]$ su - postgres
[postgres@localhost ~]$ psql

CREATE ROLE linshare


Commands: to quit, tape "\q" ; to have help on PSQL, tape "?".

Create and import the schema of the database :

[root@localhost ~]$ su - postgres
[postgres@localhost ~]$ psql

  WITH OWNER = linshare
       ENCODING = 'UTF8'
       TABLESPACE = pg_default
       LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
       LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8'

GRANT ALL ON DATABASE linshare TO linshare;


Caution : if your database is installed in french, replace all the occurrences of "en_US" by "fr_FR".

* If you need, there is a script named createDatabase.sql under src/main/resources/sql/postgresql/ which gives you the command to enter for creating your databases.

Import the SQL files "createSchema.sql" and "import-postgresql.sql" :

[root@localhost ~]$ tar xjvf linshare-core-*-sql.tar.bz2
[root@localhost ~]$ psql -U linshare -W -d linshare linshare-core-sql/postgresql/createSchema.sql
Password for user linshare: {PASSWORD}
[root@localhost ~]$ psql -U linshare -W -d linshare linshare-core-sql/postgresql/import-postgresql.sql
Password for user linshare: {PASSWORD}

Edit LinShare's configuration file :

[root@localhost ~]$ vi /etc/linshare/
#******************** DATABASE
### PostgreSQL

For the LinShare V2 installation, you have to install a specific version of mongoDB which is 3.2:

First import the public key used by the package management system:

[root@localhost ~]$ apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927

Create a list file:

[root@localhost ~]$ echo "deb jessie/mongodb-org/3.2 main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.2.list

After that you have to reload the local package database:

[root@localhost ~]$ apt-get update

And install the latest stable version of MongoDB:

[root@localhost ~]$ apt-get install -y mongodb-org

Before lunching the MongoDB make sure that que file /etc/mongod.conf has the bind ip address:

Issue the following command to start mongod:

[root@localhost ~]$ service mongod start
#### Enable new thumbnail engine (optional)

LinShare has a preview generation engine for a wide range of files :

  • OpenDocument format (ODT, ODP, ODS, ODG)
  • Microsoft documents format (DOCX, DOC, PPTX, PPT, XLSX, XLS )
  • PDF documents
  • Images files (PNG, JPEG, JPG, GIF)
  • Text files (TXT, XML, LOG, HTML ...)

* Before using this engine you should have LibreOffice or OpenOffice installed on your machine, the minimum version of libreOffice is : 4.2.8.

To install libreOffice :

aptitude update aptitude install libreoffice

By default thumbnail generation engine is set to FALSE. To enable it, you must edit LinShare's configuration file :

#******** LinThumbnail configuration
# key to enable or disable thumbnail generation
# key to enable remote thumbnail generation

This will allow to generate previews after each file upload.

You also have the option to use this engine remotely. For that you must first activate the remote mode :

#******** LinThumbnail configuration
# key to enable or disable thumbnail generation
# key to enable remote thumbnail generation

Now go to and download the following files:

  • linshare-thumbnail-server-{VERSION}.jar
  • linshare-thumbnail-server-{VERSION}.yml

By defaults the server is configured to listens on port 80, you can change it, if necessary.

Copy the configuration file linshare-thumbnail-server-{VERSION}.yml into /etc/linshare/linshare-thumbnail-server.yml and copy the java archive linshare-thumbnail-server-{VERSION}.jar into this directory /usr/local/sbin/linshare-thumbnail-server.jar, you can use the following command for that :

cp linshare-thumbnail-server-*.yml /etc/linshare/linshare-thumbnail-server.yml
cp linshare-thumbnail-server-*.jar /usr/local/sbin/linshare-thumbnail-server.jar
  • You can automate starting of thumbnail server, by creating a systemd service in the /etc/systemd/system directory, with the following name linshare-thumbnail-server.service.

Edit the linshare-thumbnail-server.service file and copy the code below :

Description=LinShare thumbnail server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar /usr/local/sbin/linshare-thumbnail-server.jar server /etc/linshare/linshare-thumbnail-server.yml


Now you should enable the service, it will be automatically started after a reboot :

systemctl enable linshare-thumbnail-server.service

Use this command to start the service:

systemctl start linshare-thumbnail-server.service

LinShare is an Java application compiled and embedded under the WAR (Web Application aRchive) format, so it needs a servlet container Java (Tomcat or Jetty) to run.

This section presents the installation of the Tomcat server.

Tomcat 8 installation

Install tomcat from the repositories :

[root@localhost ~]$ aptitude install tomcat8

Additional parameters

You have a configuration key "tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToSkip" in the file /var/lib/tomcat8/conf/, add the middle line into it:


Tomcat 8 configuration

To specify the location of the LinShare configuration ( file) and also the default start options, get the commented options in the first lines of the file and coy-paste them in the tomcat file (/etc/default/tomcat8).

All starting needful options by default to Linshare are indicated in the header of the following configuration files :

  • /etc/linshare/
  • /etc/linshare/

Deployment of the archive

Deploy the archive of Linshare application in the tomcat server :

[root@localhost ~]$ cp linshare.war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/
[root@localhost ~]$ mkdir -p /var/lib/linshare
[root@localhost ~]$ chown -R tomcat8:tomcat8 /var/lib/linshare

The administration interface of LinShare is an application based on web languages HTML/CSS and JavaScript. It just needs a simple web server like Apache or nginx.

This section presents the installation of Apache HTTP server.

Apache 2 installation

Install Apache 2 from the repositories :

[root@localhost ~]$ aptitude install apache2
Vhost configuration

To deploy the LinShare application, it is necessary to activate the mod_proxy module on Apache 2. Plus, you must add the configuration below to the default file provided by debian :

[root@localhost ~]$ cd /var/www/
[root@localhost ~]$ tar xjf /tmp/linshare_data/linshare-ui-user-<VERSION>.tar.bz2
[root@localhost ~]$ cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
[root@localhost ~]$ cp default linshare-user.conf
[root@localhost ~]$ a2dissite default
[root@localhost ~]$ a2ensite linshare-user.conf
[root@localhost ~]$ a2enmod ssl
[root@localhost ~]$ a2enmod headers
[root@localhost ~]$ a2enmod proxy proxy_http
[root@localhost ~]$ vim linshare-user.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName linshare-user.local
DocumentRoot /var/www/linshare-ui-user
<Location /linshare>
    ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /linshare /

    # Workaround to remove httpOnly flag (could also be done with tomcat)
    Header edit Set-Cookie "(JSESSIONID=.*); Path.*" "$1; Path=/"
    # For https, you should add Secure flag.
    # Header edit Set-Cookie "(JSESSIONID=.*); Path.*" "$1; Path=/; Secure"

    #This header is added to avoid the  JSON cache issue on IE.
    Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store"

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/linshare-user-error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/linshare-user-access.log combined


  • After any modification of a vhost, you nust reload the Apache 2 server :
    [root@localhost ~]$ service apache2 reload
  • In the recent versions of Apache, the default file can be named as default.conf.
  • If you create a document root, you can create a custom subrepository, in which you can add your logo :
    [root@localhost ~]$ mkdir -p linshare/custom

Deploy the archive of the application LinShare UI Admin in the Apache 2 repository :

[root@localhost ~]$ cd /var/www/
[root@localhost ~]$ tar xjf /tmp/linshare_data/linshare-ui-admin-{VERSION}.tar.bz2
[root@localhost ~]$ mv linshare-ui-admin-{VERSION} /var/www/linshare-ui-admin

To deploy the LinShare administration interface, it is necessary to activate the mod_proxy module on Apache 2. Plus, you must add the configuration below to the default file provided by debian :

[root@localhost ~]$ cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
[root@localhost ~]$ cp default linshare-admin.conf
[root@localhost ~]$ a2dissite default
[root@localhost ~]$ a2ensite linshare-admin.conf
[root@localhost ~]$ a2enmod ssl
[root@localhost ~]$ a2enmod headers
[root@localhost ~]$ a2enmod proxy proxy_http headers
[root@localhost ~]$ vim linshare-admin.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName linshare-admin.local
DocumentRoot /var/www/linshare-ui-admin
<Location /linshare>
    ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /linshare /

    # Workaround to remove httpOnly flag (could also be done with tomcat)
    Header edit Set-Cookie "(JSESSIONID=.*); Path.*" "$1; Path=/"
    # For https, you should add Secure flag.
    # Header edit Set-Cookie "(JSESSIONID=.*); Path.*" "$1; Path=/; Secure"

    #This header is added to avoid the  JSON cache issue on IE.
    Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store"

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/linshare-admin-error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/linshare-admin-access.log combined


  • After any modification of a vhost, you nust reload the Apache 2 server:
    [root@localhost ~]$ service apache2 reload
  • In the recent versions of Apache, the default file can be named as default.conf

Configure the storage location of the files :

[root@localhost ~]$ mkdir -p /var/lib/linshare

Configure the access of a SMTP server, for the notification sending :<>

On LinShare, you have two possible authentication mode, the first is the nominal mode, and the second is the sso mode. To start LinShare you must at least enable one of those two following modes :

  • default : default authentication process.
  • sso : Enable headers injection for SSO. This profile includes default profile capabilities

The default profile is jcloud with filesystem for tests purpose.

You can override this parameter using Or you can use environment variable : SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE You must enable at least one authentication profile among authentication profiles and one profile among file data store profiles described below.

Available file data store profiles :

  • jcloud : Using jcloud as file data store : Amazon S3, Swift, Ceph, filesystem (test only).

  • gridfs : Using gridfs (mongodb) as file data store.

  • jackrabbit2 : Using jackrabbit as file data store.

  • jackrabbit-to-jcloud : Using Jcloud as new file data store, jackrabbit as fallback file data store.

  • jackrabbit-to-gridfs : Using GridFS as new file data store, jackrabbit as fallback file data store.

Recommended profile for production is jcloud with Swift.

The default profile is jcloud with filesystem for tests purpose.

- We only use JackRabbit for the transition, it is deprecated.

To start LinShare, first start the tomcat service :

[root@localhost ~]$ service tomcat8 restart

To verify that LinShare works, consult the logs file :

[root@localhost ~]$ tail -f /var/log/tomcat8/catalina.out

If the service start correctly, you should have those following messages:

org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Démarrage de Coyote HTTP/1.1 sur http-8080
org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 23151 ms

Then restart the Apache 2 service :

[root@localhost ~]$ service apache2 restart

You have some vhost's examples in the following repository : utils/apache2/vhosts-sample/ For extra configuration, see example in the following repository: configuration

The LinShare service is now reachable at the following adresses :

For the user interface :

This url must also be inquired in the parameters of your domain. To do so go to the domain functionality and enter it in the Notifcation url parameters fiels

For the administration interface :

LinShare setting

Connect to LinShare as a Linshare system administrator :

Then, to interconnect Linshare with your LDAP user directory, create a new domain from the section "DOMAINS". For further informations, please refer to the Configuration and administration manual of LinShare [LINSHARE:CONF].