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Create an app able to query location data, with Heroku, Node.js/Express, AWS RDS, PostGIS/PostgreSQL.

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This is a simple app that can search which geometries one certain points belongs to.


To develop this app, the following setups is needed:

Section1. Load Location Data on AWS RDS

Here I will go through setting up an RDS instance with Postgres + PostGIS, and importing the geo-crosswalk data. I used Amazon RDS, PostgresSQL, PostGIS in this section.

1. Create a PostgreSQL DB Instance named db_argo in Amazon RDS

following this tutorial.

2. Connect RDS instance with Postgres

psql --host=<DB instance endpoint> --port=<port> --username=<master user name> --password --dbname=<database name>

DB instance endpoint and port can be found on the RDS instance dashboard.

3. Add geo extension PostGIS.

Type this into the psql prompt:

CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;

4. Import Data using shp2pgsql

Have the shapefile arcgis_intersections.shp ready for use. In the directory of this shapefile, type

shp2pgsql -I -W "latin1" -s 4326 -d -g the_geom arcgis_intersections.shp db_argo |psql -U <master user name> -p <port> -h <DB instance endpoint> db_argo

5. Test

Query the geometry of the first entry

SELECT ST_AsGeoJson(the_geom) from db_argo LIMIT 1;

Query first three entries

SELECT * from db_argo LIMIT 3;


Query where a certain point falls into

FROM db_argo
WHERE ST_Contains (db_argo.the_geom, ST_GeomFromText('Point(-118.159953387143 33.8719625444075)', 4326))=TRUE;


Section2. Develop the website on AWS Cloud9

I used Node.js, npm, Express, EJS, pg-promise, bluebird in this section. I also used AWS Cloud9 for developing, which has the developing environment ready for Node.js, so I don't need to spend time setting up local environment (debugging all kinds of unexpected conflicts). But this is not necessary. You can use whatever IDE you like.

Notice: Before moving to the next step, make sure you have a package.json file in your folder, which is necessary when deploying on the Heroku. If not, type the following to create one

npm init

npm is a manager of javascript libraries. Express is employed to construct the framework, and EJS makes it possible to generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript.

pg-promise and bluebird are employed for easy querying the PostgreSQL Database on AWS RDS.

Notice: When installing these libraries above, make sure having --save in the code, so that this library can be automatically recorded in the package.json. Like this

npm install express --save

Before the final deployment, check the content of package.json. It should have all library names and versions in it. Meanwhile, make sure there is one line denoting the initial start of your project. In my case, I need to call node app.js to start the server. This is important as it will tell the Heroku to find my starting point.


Section3. Deploy the project on Heroku

I used Heroku CLI, git in this section.

1. Heroku basic setup

Register a free account on Heroku and download the Heroku CLI. Type

heroku login

Check the versions of node, npm, git in your local environment, make sure they are existing and are of recent versions.

node -v

npm -v

git --version

2. Deploy using git

Locate to the path where you put your files developed in the Section2. Initialize a local git repo and commit your files

git init

git add <filename>

git commit -m "first"

3. Magic happens in Heroku

Type the following two lines

heroku create

git push heroku master

Now, the app is officially deployed!


Create an app able to query location data, with Heroku, Node.js/Express, AWS RDS, PostGIS/PostgreSQL.







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