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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


I've used this project to learn some things like IO, Enum, List, Struct, Test, Doctest and others about Elixir.

To use, follow these steps:

  1. mix deps.get
  2. iex -S mix
  3. Todo.start()


  • List tasks
  • Show a task
  • Insert a task
  • Update a task
  • Reset repository
  • Exit


▶ iex -S mix
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.6.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Interactive Elixir (1.10.1) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> Todo.start

|                  id                  |      title      |           description          |
| 49bd8b00-5bf8-11ea-89a2-8c8590985385 | Edit products   | Must be able to edit products  |
| 696b726e-5bf8-11ea-9445-8c8590985385 | Edit availab... | The manager want to edit av... |

What do you wanna do?
l - List tasks
i - Insert a task
s - Show a task
r - Reset repository
e - Exit
(l|i|s|r|e): s

What is the id?
 id: 696b726e-5bf8-11ea-9445-8c8590985385

|      field      |                             value                          |
| description     | The manager want to edit available product items in a page |
| id              | 696b726e-5bf8-11ea-9445-8c8590985385                       |
| title           | Edit available product items                               |

What do you wanna do?
l - List tasks
u - Update this task
e - Exit
(l|u|e): u

Updating item:
title: Available product item
description: None

|                  id                  |      title      |           description          |
| 49bd8b00-5bf8-11ea-89a2-8c8590985385 | Edit products   | Must be able to edit products  |
| 696b726e-5bf8-11ea-9445-8c8590985385 | Available pr... | None                           |

What do you wanna do?
l - List tasks
i - Insert a task
s - Show a task
r - Reset repository
e - Exit
(l|i|s|r|e): i

Creating item:
title: Just a new task
description: I dont wanna write the description

|                  id                  |      title      |           description          |
| 49bd8b00-5bf8-11ea-89a2-8c8590985385 | Edit products   | Must be able to edit products  |
| 696b726e-5bf8-11ea-9445-8c8590985385 | Available pr... | None                           |
| 13d47a02-5bf9-11ea-b805-8c8590985385 | Just a new task | I dont wanna write the desc... |

What do you wanna do?
l - List tasks
i - Insert a task
s - Show a task
r - Reset repository
e - Exit
(l|i|s|r|e): r

|                  id                  |      title      |           description          |

What do you wanna do?
l - List tasks
i - Insert a task
s - Show a task
r - Reset repository
e - Exit
(l|i|s|r|e): e


Just an Elixir todo app






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