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vcpkg custom port example

git clone --recursive this repository. There is a vcpkg submodoule.

Windows with Visual Studio

System Requirement: MSVC 2019.6

  • Desktop development with C++
  • MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools
  • Windows 10 SDK
  • C++ CMake tools for Windows
  1. Copy libexample1, libexample2 and libexample3 to vcpkg/ports.
  2. Open in Visual Studio 2019.
  3. It will run CMake configure.
  4. It will build vcpkg.exe if not yet.
  5. It will build libexample1, libexample2 and libexample3 if out-of-date.
  6. Then build the project.


System Requirement:

  • g++ 9+
  • cmake 3.13+


apt-get update && apt-get install -y tar zip unzip curl git g++ cmake ninja-build


zypper install -y tar gzip bzip2 xz zip unzip curl git gcc-c++ cmake ninja


apk add tar zip unzip curl git g++ cmake ninja
cd vcpkg
./ -useSystemBinaries

Then use cmake to build

cp -pr libexample1 vcpkg/ports/
cp -pr libexample2 vcpkg/ports/
cp -pr libexample3 vcpkg/ports/
cmake -S . -B out/build -G Ninja
cmake --build out/build