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Jan edited this page Apr 27, 2022 · 1 revision

On systems with a hybrid intel/Nvidia GPU the proprietary nvidia driver can be installed to gain a higher performance. This is also needed to be able to use CUDA.


To install the Nvidia proprietary driver just use:

ubuntu-drivers list

and when you have choosen the driver you'd like install it via:

ubuntu-drivers install <your-chosen-version>

Due to a custom kernel you will need to install nvidia dkms.

sudo apt install nvidia-dkms-$(nvidia-detector | grep -Eo '[0-9]'{3})

After a reboot the nvidia driver should be loaded.

It is also possible to install a gnome extension by which one can switch graphics. For more information look under:

To install add the repository and install the extension as well as the package:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:system76-dev/stable
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-system76-power system76-power
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