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Maximilian Luz edited this page May 21, 2022 · 9 revisions

Using the Built-In Keyboard with Disk Encryption

You need to ensure that the following modules are included in the initramfs/initrd (e.g. by editing mkinitcpio.conf):

  • surface_aggregator, surface_aggregator_registry, surface_aggregator_hub, surface_hid_core, and surface_hid
  • intel_lpss and intel_lpss_pci
  • 8250_dw (required for communication with the embedded controller)

Rebooting gets stuck at the Surface logo

Add reboot=pci to your kernel boot parameters.


  • Q: How to speed up detaching the keyboard after pressing the button?
    A: Install the surface-dtx-daemon. See here for more information.

  • Q: How do I use the discrete GPU?
    A: Have a look at the Surface Hotplug Wiki.

  • Q: How do I prevent the dGPU from throttling?
    A: Change the performance mode. Consult the Surfae Aggregator Module Wiki for details. Note: This only works when the AC is connected.

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