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Model Number Cheatsheet

Jason Gerecke edited this page May 2, 2019 · 3 revisions

Format A

  • Format: "TT-WWHH-B"
  • Examples: ET-0405-U, ET-0405-R, GD-0405-U, GD-1218-U, etc.
  • Key:
    • TT: Technology (GD=Intuos, XD=Intuos 2, ET=Graphire)
    • WW: Approximate width of active area in inches
    • HH: Approximate height of active area in inches
    • B: Bus (U=USB, R=RS232)

Format B

  • Format: "MXT-WGR"
  • Examples: PTZ-430, CTT-460
  • Key:
    • M: Market (M=???, C=Consumer, P=Professional)
    • X: ??? Always "T"?
    • T: Technology
      • Z=Intuos3
      • K=Intuos4
      • E=???
      • F=???
      • T=touch sensor
      • L=pen sensor
      • H=pen and touch sensor
    • W: Approximate width of active area in inches
    • G: Hardware generation
      • 3=Intuos3, Graphire3
      • 4=Intuos4, Graphire4
      • 5=Intuos5, 1st-gen Bamboo
      • 6=Intuos Pro, 2nd-gen Bamboo
      • 7=3rd-gen Bamboo
      • 8=Intuos
      • 9=2nd-gen Intuos
      • 10=3rd-gen Intuos
    • R: Hardware revision (0=1st revision, 1=2nd revision, etc.)

Format C

  • Format: "DXT-SYZ"
  • Examples: DTH-2700, DTU-1141B
  • Key:
    • D: Display tablet
    • X: ??? Always "T"?
    • T: Technology
      • Z=Intuos3
      • K=Intuos4
      • F=???
      • U=???
      • H=pen and touch sensor
    • S: Approximate diagonal size of screen
    • Y: ???
    • Z: ???
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