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User‐Guide: Nextcloud 28

k-jell edited this page May 8, 2024 · 4 revisions

User Documentation

Accessing Nextcloud 28

You find the link to Nextcloud 28 in your Liquid Home Menu. There should be a clickable link nextcloud28 if you have the permissions to access it. You will be logged in automatically.

Group Folders and Hoover Collections

All the files that can be processed Hy hoover need to live in a group folder shared to you by an admin. All the members of the group can see and edit the files in the group folder. It is possible to have many group folders for different groups (and more than one per group). You can upload files into the group folder and an admin can create a Hoover collection from that folder. It is possible to have many group folders for different groups. After the admin has added the collection to Hoover you can just work with it like with any other collections using Hoover.

Group Folder


To upload files or directories into Nextcloud click on the New button and then Upload files when you are in Nextclouds Files tab. A file browser window will open, where you can select the file to upload. Directories can be selected by using drag and drop.

Upload file

Nextcloud Office

You can open office documents using Nextcloud office this will automatically open, if you click on a supported file in Nextclouds file browser. You can also add a new office file by clicking New and choosing a document type in the popup menu. Opening the new file will also open Nextcloud office. If you just created a new document and try to open it for the first time, you might encounter an error message. This is a known bug and can be fixed by just opening the file again.

Nextcloud office