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In this repository are my personal dotfiles which I use on my arch system.

Dotfiles in this repo


Necessary programms

bashmount tui mounter
bat cat with syntax highlightning
exa ls replacement in rust
engrampa gtk archiver
fish fancy shell but not for scripting
foot wayland native terminal
fzf fuzzy finder used in ranger and shell
git vcs system
htop simple but perfect task manager
i3blocks statusbar
imv image viewer
inxi the best system props tool
mpv-mpris simple media player with mpris support
neovim my editor of choice
otf-font-awesome font with custom icons
otf-overpass well-readable and looking font for UI
paru aur packages helper
playerctl mpric controler
pipewire sound mixer
pulsemixer tui way to control pulse audio
qt5ct use gtk3 theme for qt-apps like vlc
ranger terminal file manager
rofi dmenu replacement
slurp+grim screenshot tools
sway window manager for Wayland
ttf-exo-2 better UI font
ttf-fira-code better monospace font
ttf-joypixels font with full emoji support
ttf-nova font of many interesting shapes

for a full list, look into the install script.