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VLBI Observation for single pulse Localization Keen Searcher


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VLBI Observation single pulse Localization Keen Searcher


The VOLKS pipeline is designed to carry out single pulse search and localization in VLBI data. Unlike the radio imaging based pipeline, in VOLKS, the search and localization are two independent steps. The search step takes the idea of geodetic and astrometric VLBI post processing, which fully uses the cross spectrum fringe phase information to maximize the single power. Compared with auto spectrum based method, it is able to extract single pulses from highly RFI contaminated data. The localization now supports both radio imaging and astrometric solving methods. We may prove that two methods give consistent result. In general, VOLKS makes it possible to carry out single pulse search in a totally non-imaging way.

Note: If you make use of VOLKS pipeline in your publication, we require that you quote the pipeline web address and reference the following papers:

  • Liu, L., Tong, F., Zheng, W., Zhang, J. & Tong, L. 2018, AJ, 155, 98, which describes the non-imaging single pulse search method.
  • Liu, L., Zheng, W., Yan, Z. & Zhang, J. 2018, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 18, 069, which compares the cross spectrum based method and the auto based spectrum method for single pulse serach in VLBI observation.
  • Liu, L., Jiang, W., Zheng, W., et al. 2018, submitted to AJ, arXiv:1810.08933 , which describes the radio imaging and astrometric solving single pulse localzation methods.

Please do not hesitate to contact me ( if you have any problem.


  • Linux or MacOS system.
  • gcc, gfortran, Python2 (Python3 might be OK, but not tested), numpy, ctypes, astropy (for reading FITS), matplotlib


cd calc9.1

This will generate The modification is based on calcserver distributed with DiFX-2.4:

  • Add variable PUTDSTRP, PARTIAL to cdrvr.f, calcmodl2.f and cpart.i, so as to obtain partial derivatives of delay with Ra and Dec.
  • Provide C wrapper for CALC (, which will be called by with ctypes to obtain partial derivatives.


This pipeline is not designed to be used as black box, at least not in current version. Since the Python code is self-explanatory, it is suggested that users read the code and figure out how it works. For each step, we only give a short Description, Input and Output explanation to the corresponding program.

Setup environment

  • Run command source environment.
  • Tell calc where to find JPLEPH and Horizons.lis. Please keep other settings unchanged.



  • Carry out fringe fitting for calibrtion source. PCAL and channel delay are set to zero and are output after fitting.


  • DiFX calibration scan, baseline, frequency information.
  • Fill in required info for DiFX(), DiFXScan() and DataDescriptor(). You have to specify baseline and frequency information manually!
  • Specify fitting details in fit_multiband(), e.g, FFT size for MBD (nmb) and SBD (nsb) search. The PCAL and channel delay fitting results will be print out.


  • PCAL and channel delay for each frequency channel (IF in AIPS) are print out.

Fringe fitting:


  • Carry out fringe fitting for each fast dumped visibilities (time segment in Liu et al. 2018a) of several given re-sampling time (nsum).


  • Fill in pcal_dict{} and sbd_dict{} with PCAL and channel delay information derived in previous step.
  • Configurations of DifX() and DataDescriptor() are similar with
  • Specify re-sampling time in nsum_list. nsum means number of accumulation period to be summed.
  • Specify fitting details in fit_multiband(), e.g, FFT size for MBD (nmb) and SBD (nsb) search.


  • blxxx_sumxxx_offsetxxx.fitdump, records time, width and pulsar phase of each time segment in the given re-sampling time.

Windows filtering:


  • First pick up single pulses from fast dumped data of each re-sampling time according to given threshold, then counting how many windows (re-sampling time) in which they are detected.
  • Single pulses are output if they are detected in at least ne_min windows.


  • blxxx_sumxxx_offset.fitdump files in previous step.
  • Specify re-sampling time in nsum_list, which should be identical with
  • Specify filtering parameters, including threshold to pick up single pulses (sigma), minimum number of detected windows (ne_min).


  • blxxx.nsum, records time, width and pulsar phase of each single pulse candidate after multiple window size filtering.

Multiple baselines cross matching:


  • Cross matching single pulses detected on multiple baselines.
  • A single pulse is output if it is detected on at least count_min baselines.


  • 'blxxx.nsum' files in previous step.
  • Specify count_min.


  • 'scanxxx_sss.ssssss.sp', generated for every individual single pulses. Records baseline id it is detected, time, width and pulsar phase on this baseline.

Combine all .sp files:


  • Run command ./ > xx.sp, xx means scan number.


  • scanxxx_sss.ssssss.sp


  • xx.sp, xx means scan number.

Extract single pulse from swin files:


  • Extract records specified in xx.sp from original SWIN files.


  • xx.sp files in previous step.
  • Original SWIN files of pulsar scans:.


  • SWIN files that only contain records specified in xx.sp.

Generate FITS-IDI files difx2fits


  • Run difx2fits <SWIN files> to convert SWIN files to FITS-IDI format.
  • The difx2fits program is distributed together with DiFX. We use 2.4 version.
  • Note! DiFX-2.4 could not resolve accumulation periods (APs) as short as 1 ms appropriately in difx2fits. Our hacking is in fitUV.c, reducing the threshold in line 745 from 1.0/86400000 further to 0.01/86400000. Besides that, this program only works by removing -O2 optimization when compiling.


  • SWIN files that only contain single pulse records generated in previous step.
  • SWIN files of calibration and phase reference scans.


  • FITS-IDI file that contains single pulse visibilities.
  • FITS-IDI files of calibation and phase reference scans.

Phase reference calibration: AIPS


  • In this pipeline, localization is independent of single pulse search and is not time consuming. At present, we use AIPS to calibrate the extracted single pulse visibilities. We are planning to integrate this part into the pipeline, so as to make the whole data processing more convenient.
  • In task SPLIT, aparm(0) is set to 0, such that channels inside one IF are not avaraged. This keeps the fringe phase ambiguity information, which makes it possible to localize burst far from phase center.


  • FITS-IDI files of single pulses, calibration and phase reference source.


  • FITS-IDI file of single pulses after calibration, ready to localize.



  • Localize single pulses using both imaging and astrometric solving method.
  • Visibilities in FITS-IDI file that belong to one single pulse are first grouped together. Then each of these single pulses are localized with solve() and imaging() independently.


  • FITS-IDI file of single pulses after calibration.
  • EOP.txt which contains the eop information during observation.
  • For radio imaging, specify cell size and number of grids in each dimension.


  • loc_sp.npy, a 2D floating type array. Each row corresponds to a single pulse. The meaning of each column is:
    • col 0: baseline mask. For baseline id (0 indexed), baseline_mask & (1 << id) is 1 if single pulse is detected. Note baseline_mask is float type when it is retrieved from the array. You have to convert it to int type before using.
    • col 1: Ra by solving (in mas)
    • col 2: Ra uncertainty by solving (in mas)
    • col 3: Dec by solving (in mas)
    • col 4: Dec uncertainty by solving (in mas)
    • col 5: time (in mjd)
    • col 6: Ra by imaging (in mas)
    • col 7: Dec by imaging (in mas)
    • col 8: beam semi-minor axis (in mas)
    • col 9: beam semi-major axis (in mas)
    • col 10: major axis position angle (in degree)


VLBI Observation for single pulse Localization Keen Searcher







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