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Releases: liveblocks/liveblocks


24 Jul 14:37
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  • Add vanilla Comments and Notifications APIs to Client and Room.


16 Jul 08:58
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  • New default components: AnchoredThreads and FloatingThreads to display threads that are tied to a specific part of the document, similar to Notion, Linear, etc:
    • FloatingThreads displays floating Thread components below text highlights in the editor.
    • AnchoredThreads displays a list of Thread components vertically alongside the editor.
    • These components can be used in the same application to create a UI that works on both mobile and desktop.


  • Add useDeleteInboxNotification and useDeleteAllInboxNotifications hooks.
  • Fix resolved query not being applied when filtering threads with useThreads.
  • Various refactorings to Suspense internals.


  • Add "Delete notification" action to InboxNotification.
  • Hide "Mark as read" action in InboxNotification when already read.
  • Improve keyboard navigation within emoji pickers.


  • Add deleteInboxNotification and deleteAllInboxNotifications methods.


10 Jul 12:22
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  • Fix missing avatar in textMention inbox notifications.
  • Fix textMention usage (and its props type) when customizing rendering via kinds on InboxNotification.
  • Fix broken CSS selector in default styles.


05 Jul 15:29
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  • Don’t attempt to write Yjs changes if the current user has no write access


04 Jul 14:11
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We are making resolved a first-class citizen property on threads, for more information about this change please read our Upgrade Guide for 2.2.


  • Add useMarkThreadAsResolved and useMarkThreadAsUnresolved hooks.
  • Support query.resolved when filtering threads.
  • The useStorageStatus hook now also has a { smooth: true } setting to make building calm UIs with it a bit easier.
  • The useClient() hook is now also available for users of createRoomContext() and/or createLiveblocksContext()
  • Fix: avoid unnecessary re-renders if inbox notifications haven't changed


  • Use first-class citizen resolved property in Thread component.
  • Preserve rich text when pasting into the composer.
  • Add support for custom links to the composer. (either by pasting URLs with plain text selected or by pasting existing links)
  • Preserve whitespace and empty lines in comments.
  • Mark threads as read when visible (like before), but only if the window is focused.
  • Fix improper useTransition fallback which would break on React versions lower than 18.


  • Add markThreadAsResolved and markThreadAsUnresolved methods.
  • Add ThreadMarkedAsResolvedEvent and ThreadMarkedAsUnresolvedEvent webhook events.
  • Support query.resolved when querying threads.


  • Upgrade lexical peer dependency to version ^0.16.1 that fixes compatibility issues with Next.js versions 14.2.0 and above.


  • Upgrade lexical peer dependency to version 0.16.1.


27 Jun 10:32
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  • Various internal refactorings


  • Add new hook useStorageStatus, which returns the current storage status of the room, and will re-render your component whenever it changes. This can used to build "Saving..." UIs.
  • Add useDeleteThread hook to delete a thread and its associated comments.
  • Fix: add missing JSDoc comments.
  • Fix: improve some error messages and stack traces to contain more info.
  • Refactorings to Suspense internals.


  • Fix improper useSyncExternalStore import which would break on React versions lower than 18.


21 Jun 20:38
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  • Improved DX: useDeleteThread will now throw a client-side error if someone
    else than the thread owner tries to delete the thread. This will help you
    catch and handle this case more easily.


20 Jun 17:51
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All packages

  • Improve TS error messages and error locations if custom UserMeta or ActivitiesData types do not match their requirements


  • Add missing type export for CommentReaction
  • Don’t attempt to write missing initialStorage keys if the current user has no write access to storage. This will no longer throw, but issue a warning message in the console.



17 Jun 21:22
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  • In client.enterRoom(), the options initialPresence and initialStorage are now only mandatory if your custom type requires them to be.


  • In <RoomProvider>, the props initialPresence and initialStorage are now only mandatory if your custom type requires them to be.
  • Nesting <LiveblocksProvider>s will now throw to prevent incorrect usage


  • Prevent the composer from splitting text being composed.
  • Handle parentheses around and within auto links.
  • Count whitespace as empty to prevent posting empty comments.
  • Prevent clearing the composer if it's not handled. (via onComposerSubmit)


  • Add missing type exports


14 Jun 19:19
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  • Add deleteThread method to the client to delete a room's thread.
  • Add the threadDeleted webhook event to notify when a thread is deleted.
  • Fix type signatures of client.identifyUser() and client.prepareSession() to require userInfo if it's mandatory according to your global UserMeta type definition.