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bonding: LIP-78 round based rescaling for CFF
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yondonfu committed Apr 1, 2021
1 parent f72cea1 commit 01f7c36
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Showing 2 changed files with 172 additions and 8 deletions.
31 changes: 23 additions & 8 deletions contracts/bonding/BondingManager.sol
Expand Up @@ -1126,14 +1126,29 @@ contract BondingManager is ManagerProxyTarget, IBondingManager {
if (pool.cumulativeRewardFactor < PreciseMathUtils.percPoints(1, 1)) {
pool.cumulativeRewardFactor = pool.cumulativeRewardFactor.mul(RESCALE_FACTOR);
// If cumulativeFeeFactor was previously rescaled, then its minimum value non-zero value is RESCALE_FACTOR
// If prior to rescaling:
// - cumulativeFeeFactor = 0, then after rescaling it would be 0
// - cumulativeFeeFactor >= 1, then after rescaling it would be >= RESCALE_FACTOR
// So, if we read a cumulativeFeeFactor for a round after the LIP-71 round and it is less than RESCALE_FACTOR its value is either 0, in which case
// it is still safe to rescale, or > 0, in which case it needs to be rescaled
if (pool.cumulativeFeeFactor < RESCALE_FACTOR) {
pool.cumulativeFeeFactor = pool.cumulativeFeeFactor.mul(RESCALE_FACTOR);

if (_round <= roundsManager().lipUpgradeRound(78)) {
if (
// As of the LIP-78 round, the only post LIP-71 round CFF values that are below MathUtils.percPoints(1, 1)
// are CFF values that were copied from pre LIP-71 round without multiplying by RESCALE_FACTOR due to a bug.
pool.cumulativeFeeFactor < MathUtils.percPoints(1, 1)
) {

// At this point, we know that the CFF was copied from pre LIP-71 round without multiplying by RESCALE_FACTOR due to a bug.
// Correct this by multiplying by RESCALE_FACTOR.
pool.cumulativeFeeFactor = pool.cumulativeFeeFactor.mul(RESCALE_FACTOR);

} else if (
// As of the LIP-78 round, the only CFF values > 10 ** 32 are ones that were corrupted due to a bug
// that caused CFF values to be multiplied by RESCALE_FACTOR unnecessarily.
pool.cumulativeFeeFactor > 10 ** 32
) {

// At this point, we know that the CFF was multiplied by RESCALE_FACTOR unnecessarily.
// Correct this by dividing by RESCALE_FACTOR.
pool.cumulativeFeeFactor = pool.cumulativeFeeFactor.div(RESCALE_FACTOR);

Expand Down
149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions scripts/hardhat/lip77CFFRescaleFix.js
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
const hre = require("hardhat")
const ethers = hre.ethers
const utils = ethers.utils

async function main() {

// Fork from mainnet
method: "hardhat_reset",
params: [{
forking: {
blockNumber: 12151147,
jsonRpcUrl: process.env.MAINNET_FORK_URL

// Mainnet addresses
const multisigAddr = "0x04746b890d090ae3c4c5df0101cfd089a4faca6c"
const govAddr = "0xFC3CBed6A3476F7616CC70f078397700136eEBFd"
const controllerAddr = "0xf96d54e490317c557a967abfa5d6e33006be69b3"
const bondingManagerAddr = "0x511bc4556d823ae99630ae8de28b9b80df90ea2e"
const sortedDoublyLLAddr = "0x1a0b2ca69ca2c7f96e2529faa6d63f881655d81a"
const roundsManagerAddr = "0x3984fc4ceeef1739135476f625d36d6c35c40dc3"

const delegators = [

const transcoders = [

const lip78Round = 2109

const bondingManager = await ethers.getContractAt("BondingManager", bondingManagerAddr)

const logPendingFees = async () => {
for (const del of delegators) {
try {
const pf = await bondingManager.pendingFees(del, lip78Round)
console.log(`Delegator ${del} pendingFees ${ethers.utils.formatUnits(pf, "ether")}`)
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Delegator ${del} pendingFees error ${err}`)

for (const tr of transcoders) {
try {
const pf = await bondingManager.pendingFees(tr, lip78Round)
console.log(`Transcoder ${tr} pendingFees ${ethers.utils.formatUnits(pf, "ether")}`)
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Transcoder ${tr} pendingFees error ${err}`)

console.log("PRE UPGRADE")
await logPendingFees()

// Deploy new BondingManager target implementation
const BondingManager = await ethers.getContractFactory("BondingManager", {
libraries: {
SortedDoublyLL: sortedDoublyLLAddr
const bondingManagerTarget = await BondingManager.deploy(controllerAddr)

// Upgrade BondingManager target implementation by impersonating multisig owner of Governor
const signer = (await ethers.getSigners())[0]
await signer.sendTransaction({
to: multisigAddr,
value: ethers.utils.parseUnits("100", "ether")

method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
params: [multisigAddr]

const multisigSigner = await ethers.provider.getSigner(multisigAddr)
const gov = await ethers.getContractAt("Governor", govAddr, multisigSigner)
const controller = await ethers.getContractAt("Controller", controllerAddr)
const roundsManager = await ethers.getContractAt("RoundsManager", roundsManagerAddr)

const setLIPUpgradeRoundData = utils.hexlify(
[78, lip78Round]

const contractID = utils.solidityKeccak256(["string"], ["BondingManagerTarget"])
const gitCommitHash = "0x522ef6cf6eb3c3b411a4c16517ad78ebe8a08032" // Placeholder
const setInfoData = utils.hexlify(
[contractID, bondingManagerTarget.address, gitCommitHash]
const update = {
target: [roundsManagerAddr, controllerAddr],
value: ["0", "0"],
data: [setLIPUpgradeRoundData, setInfoData],
nonce: 0

await gov.stage(update, 0)
await gov.execute(update)

if ((await controller.getContract(contractID)) != bondingManagerTarget.address) {
throw new Error("new BondingManager target implementation not registered with Controller")

console.log("POST UPGRADE")
await logPendingFees()

.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(err => {

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