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This repository adds an OpenGL ES 2 backend for the Raspberry Pi on top of the latest Brook release from the official Brook repository (


  • A quick start guide for getting Brook up and running on Windows platforms is provided in QUICK_START.txt. For Linux and Mac OS X it's as simple as typing 'make'. For Raspberry Pi and other non-x86 Linux platforms follow the steps in QUICK_START_RaspberryPi.txt


  • In addition, the environment variable BRT_RUNTIME must be set to indicate which runtime should be used for running applications. Valid settings are:

    • "cpu" to use the CPU runtime
    • "gles" to use the OpenGL ES 2 runtime
    • "dx9" to use the DirectX 9 runtime
    • "ogl" to use the OpenGL runtime
    • "ctm" to use the AMD CTM runtime

    On the Raspberry Pi only the CPU and OpenGL ES 2 runtimes are available.

    Setting BRT_ADAPTER chooses by index which adapter to use.

  • Developing Brook applications requires a built BRCC compiler and Brook runtime static library, as well as the command-line shader compilers cgc and (on Windows) fxc.

    Both of these tools must be in your PATH environment variable in order to be available to the BRCC compiler. In addition, your build system must have the 'include' directory of the brook distribution in your system include path.

  • In general the BRCC compiler can be invoked on a Brook file as:


    This will generate a file foo.cpp that can then be compiled with your favorite C++ compiler. A few additional options to BRCC that may be useful are:

    -h print a help message listing command-line options
    -k keep generated Cg/HLSL fragment program code (in
    -y generate code that assumes 4-output hardware support
    -o prefix prepend a prefix to all output file names
    -p shader generate code for specified shader architecture
    -f cgc|fxc favor a particular compiler when both can generate code
    -a arch assume a particular GPU when generating code

    The '-p shader' can appear multiple times to specify multiple shader targets (if no -p is used, all targets are generated). Valid shader formats are listed by running the program with -h.

    By default BRCC generates arb code by translating ps20 code created by fxc (because fxc generates more compatible code for ATI cards). As an example of using the various flags, to compile to use ARB fragment program on a GeForce 6800, one would execute:

    brcc -p arb -f cgc -a 6800

  • In order to build BRCC and the runtime on Linux platforms, you will need the standard GNU toolchain including:

    • g++ and gcc
    • flex
    • bison
    • bin-utils
    • perl (for our dependency-tracking script)

    With these tools installed the system can be built by executing 'make' at the top level of the Brook distribution.

Building and Running Example Brook Programs

This distribution includeds various programs that test the Brook compiler and runtime infrastructure. Various regression tests can be found in prog/tests.

A small number of larger, more interesting programs reside in prog/apps and demonstrate how the various features of the Brook language can be used to perform useful work.

For more information on the original implementation of Brook, read the Brook GPU project pages at:

For information about the OpenGL ES 2 backend you can take a look in the following publications:

  • Matina Maria Trompouki, Leonidas Kosmidis, Brook Auto: High-Level Certification-Friendly Programming for GPU-powered Automotive Systems, DAC '18, Proceedings of the 55h Annual Design Automation Conference 2018 [ACM] [pre-print]
  • Matina Maria Trompouki, Leonidas Kosmidis, Brook GLES Pi: Democratising Accelerator Programming, HPG '18 Proceedings of the Conference on High-Performance Graphics 2018 [ACM] [pre-print]

In the case you use our OpenGL ES 2 Brook implementation for a publication, we would appreciate a citation to the above publications.