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llafuente edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 3 revisions


It's recommended to use the same project configuration (Tags/Layers). But it's not necessary, Configuration component allow you to configure most of the project properties.

Then you can drop Basic Player and start working. There are many test scenes to see how things are built.

Most of the components are very reusable-chainable. The best example is IA, that it's implemented as a fake Input and depends on what action you add you can achieve many different behaviors with no extra code.

External libraries

unity-platformer require UnityTestTools or at least to remove the Assets/Test folder.

The rest of libraries are optional. And handled with a macro

  • CharacterAnimatorSpriter.cs

    macro: UP_USE_SPRITER

    Require SpriterDotNet.Unity

  • DefaultInput.cs


    Require CnControls from the UnityStore.


    Require Unity-Wiimote. This enable the usage of a single wiimote (no nunchuck atm)

Execution Order

This step is not necessary at least if you have .meta files

Configuration & UpdateManager need to be executed first, as they are Singletons, many classes rely on them being initialized before.

Go to: Edit/ProjectSettings/Script Execution Order and add them with negative priority.


Tags are configured at Configuration component.

Tags can be mixed to create hybrid behaviours: like moving platforms that are one way platforms.

This is achieved having a tag that contains both names. ex: MovingPlatform&OneWayPlatforms, & is not mandatory I use it for readability purposes.

Editable Enums

The following contains stuff that could be useful for your game.


Contains Areas Enum. Where the characters can be in.


Contains States Enum. States the Character can be. When you add c State remember to invalidate other states the Character can be at the same time Character.EnterState& Character.ExistState.

This is crucial information for Animation.


Contains DamageTypes Enum.


Contains CharacterPart Enum.

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