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Updated Readme (#126)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* updated intro

* use non breaking hyphen

* updated RPC section

* added VM section

* changed code ident

* added links

* updated client example

* added VM example

* updated spacing

* small fix

* updated VM example

* .

* dropped g1.22 function

* .

* .

* tabs to spaces

* renamed and linked  `NewFunc` example

* highlight examples

* added UniswapV4Swap ABI-example

* ~~s~~

* added "utils" section

* abi-section: updated example description

* added detailed rpc sections

* w3types: added `RPCCaller` example

* added content for "Custom RPC Method Bindings"-section

* added example code

* dropped old text

* w3types: improved example doc

* w3vm: added `ExampleVM_Call`

* added client example

* use non breaking spaces in links

* small fix

* `map[common.Hash]common.Hash` -> `w3types.Storage`

* docs update

* small css update

* dep update


Co-authored-by: lmittmann <>
  • Loading branch information
lmittmann and lmittmann committed Mar 31, 2024
1 parent e60a0e8 commit 66a1442
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Showing 16 changed files with 650 additions and 415 deletions.
279 changes: 148 additions & 131 deletions
@@ -1,189 +1,154 @@
# w3
# `w3`: Enhanced Ethereum Integration for Go

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[![Latest Release](](
<img src="" align="right" alt="W3 Gopher" width="158" height="224">

<img src="" align="right" alt="W3 Gopher" width="158" height="224">
`w3` is your toolbelt for integrating with Ethereum in Go. Closely linked to `go‑ethereum`, it provides an ergonomic wrapper for working with **RPC**, **ABI's**, and the **EVM**.

Package `w3` implements a blazing fast and modular Ethereum JSON RPC client with
first-class ABI support.

* **Batch request** support significantly reduces the duration of requests to
both remote and local endpoints.
* **ABI** bindings are specified for individual functions using Solidity syntax.
No need for `abigen` and ABI JSON files.
* **Modular** API allows to create custom RPC method integrations that can be
used alongside the methods implemented by the package.

`w3` is closely linked to [go-ethereum](
and uses a variety of its types, such as [`common.Address`](
or [`types.Transaction`](

Batch requests with `w3` are up to **85x faster** than sequential requests with

name ethclient time/op w3 time/op delta
Call_BalanceNonce 78.3ms ± 2% 39.0ms ± 1% -50.15% (p=0.000 n=23+22)
Call_Balance100 3.90s ± 5% 0.05s ± 2% -98.84% (p=0.000 n=20+24)
Call_BalanceOf100 3.99s ± 3% 0.05s ± 2% -98.73% (p=0.000 n=22+23)
Call_Block100 6.89s ± 7% 1.94s ±11% -71.77% (p=0.000 n=24+23)

## Install

go get

## Getting Started

> **Note**
> Check out the [examples](!
## At a Glance

Connect to an RPC endpoint via HTTP, WebSocket, or IPC using [`Dial`](
or [`MustDial`](
* Use `w3.Client` to connect to an RPC endpoint. The client features batch request support for up to **80x faster requests** and easy extendibility. [learn&nbsp;more&nbsp;](#rpc-client)
* Use `w3vm.VM` to simulate EVM execution with optional tracing and Mainnet state forking, or test Smart Contracts. [learn&nbsp;more&nbsp;](#vm)
* Use `w3.Func` and `w3.Event` to create ABI bindings from Solidity function and event signatures. [learn&nbsp;more&nbsp;](#abi-bindings)
* Use `w3.A`, `w3.H`, and many other utility functions to parse addresses, hashes, and other common types from strings. [learn&nbsp;more&nbsp;](#utils)

// Connect (or panic on error)
client := w3.MustDial("")
defer client.Close()

## Getting Started

## Batch Requests
### RPC Client

Batch request support in the [`Client`](
allows to send multiple RPC requests in a single HTTP request. The speed gains
to remote endpoints are huge. Fetching 100 blocks in a single batch request
with `w3` is ~80x faster compared to sequential requests with `ethclient`.
[`w3.Client`]( is a batch request focused RPC client that can be used to connect to an Ethereum node via HTTP, WebSocket, or IPC. Its modular API allows to create custom RPC method integrations that can be used alongside the common methods implemented by this package.

Example: Request the nonce and balance of an address in a single request
**Example:** Batch Request ([Playground](

var (
addr = w3.A("0x000000000000000000000000000000000000c0Fe")
// 1. Connect to an RPC endpoint
client, err := w3.Dial("")
if err != nil {
// handle error
defer client.Close()

nonce uint64
balance big.Int
err := client.Call(
eth.Nonce(addr, nil).Returns(&nonce),
eth.Balance(addr, nil).Returns(&balance),
// 2. Make a batch request
var (
balance big.Int
nonce uint64
if err := client.Call(
eth.Balance(addr, nil).Returns(&balance),
eth.Nonce(addr, nil).Returns(&nonce),
); err != nil {
// handle error

> [!NOTE]
> #### why send batch requests?
> Most of the time you need to call multiple RPC methods to get the data you need. When you make separate requests per RPC call you need a single round trip to the server for each call. This can be slow, especially for remote endpoints. Batching multiple RPC calls into a single request only requires a single round trip, and speeds up RPC calls significantly.
## ABI Bindings
#### Learn More
* List of supported [**RPC methods**](#rpc-methods)
* Learn how to create [**custom RPC method bindings**](#custom-rpc-method-bindings)

ABI bindings in `w3` are specified for individual functions using Solidity
syntax and are usable for any contract that supports that function.
### VM

Example: ABI binding for the ERC20-function `balanceOf`
[`w3vm.VM`]( is a high-level EVM environment with a simple but powerful API to simulate EVM execution, test Smart Contracts, or trace transactions. It supports Mainnet state forking via RPC and state caching for faster testing.

funcBalanceOf := w3.MustNewFunc("balanceOf(address)", "uint256")

A [`Func`]( can be used to

* encode arguments to the contracts input data ([`Func.EncodeArgs`](,
* decode arguments from the contracts input data ([`Func.DecodeArgs`](, and
* decode returns form the contracts output data ([`Func.DecodeReturns`](

### Reading Contracts

[`Func`]('s can be used with
in the client to read contract data.
**Example:** Simulate an Uniswap v3 swap ([Playground](

var (
weth9 = w3.A("0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2")
dai = w3.A("0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F")

weth9Balance big.Int
daiBalance big.Int

err := client.Call(
eth.CallFunc(weth9, funcBalanceOf, addr).Returns(&weth9Balance),
eth.CallFunc(dai, funcBalanceOf, addr).Returns(&daiBalance),
// 1. Create a VM that forks the Mainnet state from the latest block,
// disables the base fee, and has a fake WETH balance and approval for the router
vm, err := w3vm.New(
w3vm.WithFork(client, nil),
addrWETH: {Storage: w3types.Storage{
w3vm.WETHBalanceSlot(addrEOA): common.BigToHash(w3.I("1 ether")),
w3vm.WETHAllowanceSlot(addrEOA, addrRouter): common.BigToHash(w3.I("1 ether")),
if err != nil {
// handle error

// 2. Simulate a Uniswap v3 swap
receipt, err := vm.Apply(&w3types.Message{
From: addrEOA,
To: &addrRouter,
Func: funcExactInput,
Args: []any{&ExactInputParams{
Path: encodePath(addrWETH, 500, addrUNI),
Recipient: addrEOA,
Deadline: big.NewInt(time.Now().Unix()),
AmountIn: w3.I("1 ether"),
AmountOutMinimum: w3.Big0,
if err != nil {
// handle error

// 3. Decode output amount
var amountOut *big.Int
if err := receipt.DecodeReturns(&amountOut); err != nil {
// handle error

### Writing Contracts

Sending a transaction to a contract requires three steps.

1. Encode the transaction input data using [`Func.EncodeArgs`](

var funcTransfer = w3.MustNewFunc("transfer(address,uint256)", "bool")
### ABI Bindings

input, err := funcTransfer.EncodeArgs(w3.A("0x…"), w3.I("1 ether"))
ABI bindings in `w3` are specified for individual functions using Solidity syntax and are usable for any contract that supports that function.

2. Create a signed transaction to the contract using [go-ethereum/types](
**Example:** ABI binding for the ERC20 `balanceOf` function ([Playground](

signer := types.LatestSigner(params.MainnetChainConfig)
tx := types.MustSignNewTx(privKey, signer, &types.DynamicFeeTx{
To: w3.A("0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"),
Nonce: 0,
Data: input,
Gas: 75000,
GasFeeCap: w3.I("100 gwei"),
GasTipCap: w3.I("1 gwei"),
funcBalanceOf := w3.MustNewFunc("balanceOf(address)", "uint256")

3. Send the signed transaction.
**Example:** ABI binding for the Uniswap v4 `swap` function ([Playground](

var txHash common.Hash
err := client.Call(
funcSwap := w3.MustNewFunc(`swap(
(address currency0, address currency1, uint24 fee, int24 tickSpacing, address hooks) key,
(bool zeroForOne, int256 amountSpecified, uint160 sqrtPriceLimitX96) params,
bytes hookData
)`, "int256 delta")

A [`Func`]( can be used to

## Custom RPC Methods

Custom RPC methods can be called with the `w3` client by creating a
The `w3/module/eth` package can be used as implementation reference.

* encode arguments to the contracts input data ([`Func.EncodeArgs`](,
* decode arguments from the contracts input data ([`Func.DecodeArgs`](, and
* decode returns form the contracts output data ([`Func.DecodeReturns`](

## Utils
### Utils

Static addresses, hashes, hex byte slices or `big.Int`'s can be parsed from
strings with the following utility functions.
Static addresses, hashes, bytes or integers can be parsed from (hex-)strings with the following utility functions that panic if the string is not valid.

var (
addr = w3.A("0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045")
hash = w3.H("0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3")
bytes = w3.B("0x27c5342c")
big = w3.I("12.34 ether")
addr := w3.A("0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045")
hash := w3.H("0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3")
bytes := w3.B("0x27c5342c")
amount := w3.I("12.34 ether")

Note that these functions panic if the string cannot be parsed. Use
to parse strings that may not be valid instead.
Use [go-ethereum/common]( to parse strings that may not be valid instead.

## RPC Methods

List of supported RPC methods.
List of supported RPC methods for [`w3.Client`](

### [`eth`](

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,3 +207,55 @@ List of supported RPC methods.
| Package | Description
| :----------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-----------
| []( | Package `flashbots` implements RPC API bindings for the Flashbots relay and mev-geth.

## Custom RPC Method Bindings

Custom RPC method bindings can be created by implementing the [`w3types.RPCCaller`]( interface.

**Example:** RPC binding for the Otterscan `ots_getTransactionBySenderAndNonce` method ([Playground](

// TxBySenderAndNonceFactory requests the senders transaction hash by the nonce.
func TxBySenderAndNonceFactory(sender common.Address, nonce uint64) w3types.RPCCallerFactory[common.Hash] {
return &getTransactionBySenderAndNonceFactory{
sender: sender,
nonce: nonce,

// getTransactionBySenderAndNonceFactory implements the w3types.RPCCaller and
// w3types.RPCCallerFactory interfaces. It stores the method parameters and
// the the reference to the return value.
type getTransactionBySenderAndNonceFactory struct {
// params
sender common.Address
nonce uint64

// returns
returns *common.Hash

// Returns sets the reference to the return value.
func (f *getTransactionBySenderAndNonceFactory) Returns(txHash *common.Hash) w3types.RPCCaller {
f.returns = txHash
return f

// CreateRequest creates a batch request element for the Otterscan getTransactionBySenderAndNonce method.
func (f *getTransactionBySenderAndNonceFactory) CreateRequest() (rpc.BatchElem, error) {
return rpc.BatchElem{
Method: "ots_getTransactionBySenderAndNonce",
Args: []any{f.sender, f.nonce},
Result: f.returns,
}, nil

// HandleResponse handles the response of the Otterscan getTransactionBySenderAndNonce method.
func (f *getTransactionBySenderAndNonceFactory) HandleResponse(elem rpc.BatchElem) error {
if err := elem.Error; err != nil {
return err
return nil

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