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%the practical upshot of which is that
if you stick a Babel fish in your ear, you can
instantly understand anything in any form of language.}{{\it The Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy}.
Douglas Adams.}
Human languages are diverse
%and rich in categories
Guide to the Galaxy}. Douglas Adams.}
Human languages are diverse %and rich in categories
with about 6000 to 7000
languages spoken worldwide \cite{languages}. %\footnote{\url{}}
languages spoken worldwide \cite{languages}.
As civilization advances, the need for seamless communication and understanding across
languages becomes more and more crucial. Machine translation (MT), the
task of teaching machines to learn to translate automatically across languages, as
a result, is an important research area.
MT has a long history \cite{hutchins07} from the original
phiosophical ideas of universal languages in the $17^{\text{th}}$ century to %seventeen
phiosophical ideas of universal languages in the $17^{\text{th}}$ century to
%first practical instances of MT in the twentieth century, e.g., one proposal by \newcite{weaver49}.
those first practical suggestions in the 1950s, most notably an important
proposal by \newcite{weaver49}. In that memorandum, Warren Weaver had touched on
those first practical suggestions in the 1950s, most notably an influential %important
proposal by \newcite{weaver49} which marked the beginnings of MT research in
the United States. In that memorandum, Warren Weaver touched on
the idea of using computers to translate, specifically addressing the language
ambiguity problem by combining his knowledge of statistics,
cryptography, information theory, as well as logical and linguistic universals
%``renaissance'' of intensive MT research in the 1950s, starting with an
%important proposal by \newcite{weaver49}.
Since then, MT has gone through many
periods of great development but also encountered several stagnant phases as
illustrated in \figref{f:mt_progress}.
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%or a simple vector-space transformation
%technique \cite{vectorspace} proposed by Google researchers
at the beginning of the $21^{\text{st}}$ century \cite{brants07},
MT remains an extremely challenging
problem \cite{solvemt,winograd_mt16}.
This motivates my thesis work in the area of machine translation, specifically
aiming to advance neural machine translation, a technique that has eventually
produced a significant leap in the translation quality as illustrated in
MT remains an extremely challenging problem \cite{solvemt,winograd_mt16}.
This motivates my work in the area of machine translation; specifically,
in this thesis, the goal is to advance neural machine translation (NMT), a new
promising approach for MT developed just recently, over the past two years. The results achieved in this
thesis on NMT together with work from other researchers have eventually
produced a significant leap in the translation quality as illustrated in
\figref{f:mt_progress}. Before delving into details of the thesis, we now walk
the audience through the background and a bit of the development history of
machine translation.
%To understand why MT is difficult, let us trace through one ``evolution''
%path of % development
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\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth, clip=true, trim= 0 0 0
80]{img/MT_progress} % , angle=-90
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth, clip=true, trim= 0 0 20 80]{img/MT_progress}
\caption[Machine translation progress]{{\bf Machine translation progress} --
from the 1950s, the starting of modern MT research, until the time of this
thesis, 2016, in which neural MT becomes a dominant approach. Image courtesy of
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\section{Machine Translation Background and Development}
statistical MT started out with a seminal work by IBM scientists
\cite{Brown:1993:MSM}. The proposed technique requires minimal linguistic
content and only needs a {\it parallel corpus}, i.e., a set of pairs of sentences that are translations of one
another, to train machine learning algorithms to tackle the translation problem.
Such a language-independent setup is illustrated in Figure~\ref{f:mt} and remains
to be the general approach for nowadays MT systems.
For over twenty years since the IBM seminal paper, approaches in MT
such as
%inter alia,
are, by and large, similar according to the following two-stage
process (see Figure~\ref{f:phrase_mt}). First, source sentences are broken into
chunks which can be translated in isolation by looking up a ``dictionary'', or
more formally a {\it translation model}. Translated target words and phrases
are then put together to form coherent and natural-sounding sentences by consulting a
{\it language model} (LM) on which sequences of words, i.e., {\it \ngram{}s}, are
likely to go with one another.
\section{Machine Translation}
\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth, clip=true, trim= 0 0 0 0]{img/mt.eps} % , angle=-90
\caption[A general setup of machine translation]{{\bf Machine translation} (MT) -- a general setup of MT. Systems
build translation models from parallel corpora to translate new unseen
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth, clip=true, trim= 0 0 0 0]{img/mt.eps} % , angle=-90
\caption[Corpus-based approaches to machine translation]{{\bf Corpus-based approaches to
machine translation} -- a general setup in which MT systems
are built from parallel corpora of sentence pairs having the same meaning. Once
built, systems are used to translate new unseen
sentences, e.g., \word{She loves cute cats}.}

Despite much enthusiasm, the beginning period of MT research in the 1950-60s,
was mostly about direct word-for-word replacement based on bilingual
dictionaries.\footnote{There are also proposals for ``interlingual'' and
``transfer'' approaches but these seemed to be too challenging to achieve, not
to mention limitations in hardware at that time\cite{hutchins07}.} An MT winner quickly came
right after the ALPAC report in 1966 pointing out that ``there is no immediate
or predictable prospect of useful machine translation'', which hampered MT
research for over a
decade. Fast-forwarding through the resurgence in the 1980s beginning with
Europe, Japan, and gradually the United States,
modern statistical MT started out with a seminal work by IBM scientists
\cite{Brown:1993:MSM}. The proposed {\it corpus-based} approaches require
minimal linguistic content and only need a {\it parallel} dataset of
sentence pairs which are translations of one
another, to train MT systems.
Such a language-independent setup is illustrated in Figure~\ref{f:mt}.
In more
detail, instead of hand building bilingual dictionaries which can be costly to
obtain, Brown and colleagues proposed to learn these dictionaries, or {\it
translation models}, probabilistically from parallel corpora. To accomplish
this, they propose a series of 5 algorithms of increasing complexity, often
referred as IBM Models 1-5, to learn {\it word alignment},
a mapping between source and target words in a parallel corpus, as illustrated
in \figref{f:wordalign}. The idea is
simple: the more often two words, e.g., \word{loves} and \word{aime}, occur
together in different sentence pairs, the more likely they are aligned to each
other and have equivalent meanings.

\includegraphics[width=0.35\textwidth, clip=true, trim= 0 0 0
\caption[Word-based alignment]{{\bf Word-based alignment} -- example of
an alignment between source and target words. In IBM
alignment models, each target word is aligned to at most one source word.

Once a translation model, i.e., a probabilistic bilingual dictionary, has been
learned, IBM model 1, the simplest and the most na\"{i}ve one among the five proposed
algorithms, translates a new source sentence as follows. First, it decides on
how long the translation is as well as how source words will be mapped to target
words as illustrated in Step 1 of \figref{f:wordmt_algo}. Then,
in Step 2, it produces a translation by selecting for each target position a
word that is the best translation for the aligned source word according to the
bilingual dictionary. Subsequent IBM models build on top of one another and refine the
translation story such as better modeling the reordering structure, i.e., how
word positions differ between source and target languages. We refer the audience to
the original IBM paper or Chapter 25 of \cite{Jurafsky:2009} for more details.
\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth, clip=true, trim= 0 0 0
0]{img/wordmt_algo.eps} % , angle=-90
\caption[A simple translation story]{{\bf A simple translation story} -- example of the generative story in
IBM Model 1 to produce a target translation given a source sentence and a
learned translation model.

There are, however, two important details that we left out in the above translation story,
the {\it search} process and the {\it language modeling} component. In Step 1,
one might wonder among the exponentially many choices, how do we know what the
right translation length is and how source words should be mapped to target words? The
search procedure informally helps us ``browse'' through a manageable set of
candidates which are likely to include a good translation; whereas, the language
model will help us select the best translation among these candidates. We will
defer details of the search process to later since it is dependable on the
exact translation model being used. Language modeling, on the other hand, is an
important concept which has been studied earlier in speech recognition
\cite{katz87}. In a nutshell, a language model (LM)
learns from a corpus of monolingual text in the target language and collect
statistics on which sequence of words are likely to go with one another. When
applying to machine translation, an LM will assign high scores for coherent and
natural-sounding translations and low scores for bad ones.
For our example in the above figure, if the model happens to choose a wrong alignment, e.g.,
\word{cute} goes to position 3 while \word{cats} goes to positions 4 and 5, an
LM will alert us with a lower score given to that incorrect translation \word{Elle
aime mignons les chats} compared to the translation \word{Elle aime les chats
mignons} with a correct word ordering structure.\footnote{
For completeness, translation and
language models are integrated together in an MT system through the {\it
Bayesian noisy channel} framework as follows:
\hat{t} &= \argmax_t P(t|s) \approx \argmax_t P(s|t) P(t)
Here, we have a source sentence $s$ in which we ask our {\it decoder}, an
algorithm that implements the aforementioned search process, to find the best
translation, the $\argmax$ part. $P(s|t)$ represents the {\it translation} model, the
faithfulness of the translation in terms of meaning preservation between the source and the
target sentences; whereas $P(t)$
represents the {\it language} model, the fluency of the translated text.

While the IBM work had a huge impact on the field of statistical MT, researchers
quickly realized that word-based MT is insufficient as words
require context to properly translate, e.g., \word{bank} has two totally different
meanings when preceded by \word{financial} and \word{river}. As a result,
{\it phrase-based models}, \cite{Marcu:2002,Zens2002,Koehn:2003:SMT}, inter alia, became the de facto
standard in MT research and are still being the dominant approach in existing
commercial systems such as Google Translate until now. Much credit went to Och's
work on {\it alignment templates}, starting with his thesis in 1998 and later in
\cite{och03,och04}. The idea of alignment templates is to enable phrase-based MT
by first symmetrizing\footnote{\edit{Symmetrization is achieved by training IBM models
in both directions, source to target and vice versa, then intersecting the
alignments. There are subsequent techniques that jointly train alignments in
both directions such as \cite{liang06alignment}.}} the alignment to obtain many-to-many correspondences
between source and target words; in contrast, the original IBM models only produce
one-to-many alignments. From the symmetrized alignment, several heuristics have
been proposed to extract phrase pairs; the general idea is that phrase
pairs need to be ``consistent'' with their alignments: each word in a phrase
should not be aligned to a word outside of the other phrase. These pairs are stored
in what called a {\it phrase table} together with various scores to evaluate
phrase pairs in different aspects, e.g., how equivalent the meaning is, how good
the alignment is, etc. \figref{f:phrase_mt} gives an example of how a
phrase-based system translates.

Expand All @@ -103,6 +214,44 @@ \section{Machine Translation Background and Development}

%% log-linear models %%
State-of-the-art MT systems, in fact, contain more components than just the two
basic translation and language models. There are many knowledge
sources that can be useful to the translation task, e.g., language model,
translation model, reversed translation model, reordering model, word penalty,
phrase penalty, unknown-word penalty, etc. To incorporate all of
these features, modern MT systems use a popular approach in natural language
processing, called the {\it maximum-entropy} or
{\it log-linear} models \cite{berger96,och02}, which has as its special case the
Bayesian noisy channel model that we briefly mentioned through \eq{e:noisy}.
Training log-linear MT models can be done using the standard {\it maximum
likelihood estimation} approach. However, in practice, these models are learned
by directly optimizing translation quality metrics such as BLEU
\cite{Papineni02bleu} in a technique known as {\it minimum error rate training}
or {\it MERT} \cite{och03mert}. Here, BLEU is an inexpensive automatic way of
evaluating the translation quality; the idea is to count words and phrases that
overlap between machine and human outputs.

%remains to be the general approach for nowadays MT systems.
%For over twenty years since the IBM seminal paper, approaches in MT
%such as
%%inter alia,
%are, by and large, similar according to the following two-stage
%process (see Figure~\ref{f:phrase_mt}). First, source sentences are broken into
%chunks which can be translated in isolation by looking up a ``dictionary'', or
%more formally a {\it translation model}. Translated target words and phrases
%are then put together to form coherent and natural-sounding sentences by consulting a
%{\it language model} (LM) on which sequences of words, i.e., {\it \ngram{}s}, are
%likely to go with one another.

\section{Neural Machine Translation}
%% interlingual idea, Vaquois diagram %%
%% briefly mention syntax-based %%

The aforementioned approach, while has been successfully deployed in many commercial systems,
does not work very well and suffers from the following two major drawbacks.
First, translation decisions are {\it locally determined} as we translate
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