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MVP List

John Lockhart edited this page Aug 17, 2018 · 10 revisions

MVP List

Eventdark, an Eventbrite clone, is a web app for creating event ticketing and registration pages and reaching targeted audiences. Event producers can list upcoming events, which can then be searched--by category, location, date, or event producer--by app users with goal of users purchasing tickets through the site or bookmarking events for future purchase.

1. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login - end of day 8.9.18

  • Users can sign up, sign in, log out
  • Users can use a demo login to try the site - deferred to end of project
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in
  • Signup/Login and Navbar presentational components
  • Smooth, bug-free navigation; mobile-first responsive design

2. A production README

3. Hosting on Heroku 8.9.18

Site-Specific Features:

4. Events - 8.13.18

  • Users, as organizers, can create, update
  • Event show page and index components
  • Event images hosted thru Active Storage on AWS
  • Smooth, bug-free navigation; mobile-first responsive design
  • Adequate, appropriate, and engaging seeds to demonstrate the feature

5. Registration / Tickets - end of day 8.13.18

  • Users can register for events, see their registered events on user show page, see number of tickets in nav bar drop down, available tickets dynamically updates after new registration is made
  • Adequate styling, cross integration with events/users profile, registration modal
  • Smooth, bug-free navigation; mobile-first responsive design
  • Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature

6. Categories - end of day 8.14.18

  • category based browsing and search, category-feature on splash page
  • Smooth, bug-free navigation; mobile-first responsive design
  • Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature
  • Integrated icon styling to event components

7. Search events - end of day 8.17.18

  • Users can search by event name
  • Smooth, bug-free navigation; mobile-first responsive design
  • Adequate and appropriate seeds to demonstrate the feature