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frontend routes and components

John Lockhart edited this page Aug 17, 2018 · 4 revisions

Routes & Components Structure:

  • Root
    • App
      • NavBar
      • main components render here
      • Footer

The following routes, defined in App, will render as main components:

  • /

  • Splash

    • EventSearchBar
    • EventLocationPopularIndex
    • EventLocationPopularIndexItem- multiple
    • TopCategoryImageIndex
  • /signin

    • SessionForm 'enter email':
  • /signin/login

    • SignInForm
  • /signin/signup

    • SignUpForm
  • /organizer/signup

    • CreateEventForm
  • /events/tickets

    • UserShowPage
    • RegistrationsIndex
      • RegistrationsIndexItem
  • /events/:eventId

    • EventShowPage
    • RegisterModal
    • EventCategoriesIndex
      • EventTagsIndexItem
  • /events/new

    • CreateEventForm
  • /events/:eventId/edit

    • EventEditPage
  • /e/:category

    • CategoryIndexPage
  • /search/:search-params

    • SearchShowPage
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