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apneadiving edited this page May 1, 2012 · 61 revisions


  • much refactoring

  • cleaner code organization to help maintenance + Travis integration

  • removed css from assets

  • removed enable_js and enable_css options in gmaps helper

  • deprecates favor of


  • Now default is no clustering to prevent unnecessary load of js libraries


  • Included contributions to include language params

  • fixed bug when block passed to to_gmaps4rails


  • Reusing ActiveSupport.onload to include acts_as_gmappable


  • builtin support for Mongoid

  • bug fixed


  • Google places api integration

  • Support for Proxy

  • much refactoring


  • seamless http/https integration + option added for geocoding. thanks @NARKOZ


  • improved memory consumption by 80%. See details here


  • enable client side creation of infowindows

  • fix #102

  • fixed bugs in openlayers


  • changed to_gmaps4rails dsl


  • fixed generator for Rails 3

  • now call a fixed version of google maps to prevent problem to occur again when google makes a release

  • some refactoring


  • changed clusterer library because of google map update


  • fixed regression of polylines and polygons

  • infowindow is now stored to allow callback access (google only)


  • fix bug when no marker provided

  • changed generator to copy css in assets for Rails 3.1.x


  • augmented test coverage for jasmine

  • added :raw option for google markers and google map, fixed #76

  • corrected bug regarding markers and picture...


  • fix infowindow in openlayers

  • fix bug in richmarker for googlemaps

  • fix bug in replaceMarkers


  • rewrote js with coffeescript

  • changed default test app to rails 3.1

  • adapted assets to Rails 3.0.x and 3.1.x

  • fixed #80 and #81


  • changing container_id to container_class in map_options

  • added some view tests


  • js a bit lighter


  • js rewritten in OOP to easily enable multimap display

  • helper rewritten wit better api for js/css handling

  • gem uses hash with indifferent access

  • kml support for google maps

  • fixed bug in addMarkers


  • Rich Markers added


  • corrected css

  • added functionality to add libraries to the script loading googlemaps api (useful if you need places for instance)


  • corrected generator... sorry


  • updated generator


  • implementing other maps api: openlayers first (then bing etc?)

  • readded the generator to copy js and css assets

  • to_gmaps4rails now accepts a block to allow you to customize the json created

  • changed json format: latitude is now lat, longitude is now lng


  • namespaced files to avoid conflicts


  • added jasmine tests (not full coverage yet but most of markers stuff)

  • added shadow and anchor support

  • renamed many js function to respect js conventions (example: add_markers => addMarkers). Not everything renamed cause of ruby interactions.

  • reorganized code, made it easier to shift to another map provider


  • Added callback with full geocoding results and result language customization (thanks to Mircea Pricop)


  • corrected error handling in validation when address provided is blank

  • added custom infowindows

  • added draggable option to markers (provided by przemad)


  • attributes now called with send to ensure compatibility with MongoidGeo (provided by oli-g)


  • added map options: disableDefaultUI, disableDoubleClickZoom, draggable

  • added geoloc of user: detect_location, center_on_user (provided by jmcopeland)

  • added marker options: anchor, and clusterer icons customization: custom_cluster_pictures


  • changed helpers inclusion to avoid conflict with application helper when other gems included

  • added generator to copy assets


  • Removed an unfortunate .rvmrc file


  • fixed bug when initializing map without any marker.


  • now triggering google js with onloadcallback


  • can pass directly a db column name instead of using default gmaps4rails_address method

  • can retrieve directly the normalized address given by google

  • checker can now be a method instead of a db column boolean


  • Fixes regressions of 0.7.8


  • made json 20% faster to generate and lighter (quicker to transfer)
  • fixed gmaps4rails_callback


  • fixed compatibility with IE6 & IE7



  • now Geocoding retrieves the bounds of the location searched

  • Geocoding can output raw result from google

  • Map can be adjusted to bounds provided in configuration

  • js refactored & cleaned-up


  • corrected the js clear_markers function: remove markers from clusterer

  • changed the js replace_marker function: reset sidebar content

###0.7.3 fixed regression in gmaps4rails.js, function clear_markers()


  • added gmaps4rails_callback function


  • removed a forgotten debuggerdeclaration
  • replaced marker_clusterer js by minimized version


  • Introducing sidebar list option for markers
  • included enable_js option
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