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apneadiving edited this page Sep 15, 2011 · 4 revisions

Data to provide

Valid json to provide should be like:

 //first element of the array, describing the first polygon
 //first hash here could optionally contain settings for the current polygon (which won't use defaults then)
  "lng": -80.190262, "lat": 25.774252,
  "strokeColor": "#FF0000",
  "strokeOpacity": 0.3,
  "strokeWeight": 1,
  "fillColor": "#FF0000",
  "fillOpacity": 0.7
 //other hashes simply contain longitude and latitude
 {"lng": -66.118292, "lat": 18.466465},
 {"lng": -64.75737, "lat": 32.321384}
 //second polygon
 // the first hash contains no customization so it will use default display options
 {"lng":   0, "lat":   0},
 {"lng":  10, "lat":  10},
 {"lng": -10, "lat": -10}
 //add as many array as you want

Default display configuration:

strokeColor: "#000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#000",
fillOpacity: 0.35

Display Polygons

<%= gmaps({
       "polygons"    => { "data" => @polygons_json }

Change default configuration for polygons

Simply pass options you want to override in a hash.

<%= gmaps({
       "polygons"    => { "data" => @polygons    , "options" => { "fillColor" => "#000" } }