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This project is an application skeleton for a typical md-site-engine web site. You can use it to quickly start your md-site-engine projects and development environment for these projects.

The seed contains a sample md-site-engine application and it uses the default configuration to launch an instant web site development. The seed application doesn't do much, just shows how to put together contents, components, controls and public resources to create a web site. It also presents a custom marked renderer.

Getting started

To get you started you can simply clone the md-site-seed repository and install the dependencies:


You need git to clone the md-site-seed repository. You can get git from here.

You must have Node.js and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from here.

Clone md-site-seed

Clone the md-site-seed repository and set the origin alias to your repository:

git clone <your-project-name>
cd <your-project-name>
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin <url-of-your-repository>
git push -u origin master

Install Dependencies

The project hase some kinds of dependencies and you can simply install it:

npm install

Run the Application

The simplest way to start the server is:

node server.js

Now browse to the application at localhost:3000.

Directory Layout

<your-project-name>/    => all of the source files of the application
    components/         => the place of additional page elements
        en/                 => 1. language specific components
        hu/                 => 2. language specific components
    config/             => application configuration and marked renderer
    contents/           => the place of the contents (empty)
        en/                 => 1. language specific contents
        hu/                 => 2. language specific contents
    controls/           => the place of server side scripts
    node_modules/       => the place of dependencies
    public/             => all client side files of the application
        fonts/              => fonts
        images/             => images
        scripts/            => client side scripts
        styles/             => style sheets