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Todo App

The Odin Project : Full Stack JS - JAVASCRIPT Course


This is a Todo app built with Vitejs, TypeScript vanilla, Express, and MongoDB for The Odin Project's JavaScript curriculum. The app allows users to add, view, edit, and delete tasks, as well as mark tasks as completed.


The project uses the following technologies:

  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • TypeScript
  • Vitejs - a build tool and development server for modern web apps
  • Express - a web application framework for Node.js
  • MongoDB - a NoSQL document-oriented database
  • Vitest

Unit Testing

Unit testing is implemented in this project using Vitest, a Vite native testing framework. The tests cover some functionalities and ensure the reliability and correctness of the application.


  • User can add new labels

  • User can add new tasks

  • User can view a list of all tasks

  • User can edit a task's title and description

  • User can mark a task as completed or not completed

  • User can mark a task as favorite

  • User can delete a task

  • User can filter tasks by label or date

  • Add Authentication - The app now has user authentication implemented using Express, express-session, and passport. Users can sign up, log in, and log out of the application.

Getting Started


To run this app locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start the development server:
npm run dev
  1. In a different terminal, start the Vite development app:
npm run vite
  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create .env file in the root of folder ./:

  1. Build and Start the production mode:
npm run preview
  1. Navigate to http://localhost: <port> in your browser.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


This app was built as part of The Odin Project's JavaScript curriculum. Special thanks to Vitejs, TypeScript, Express, and MongoDB for making the development of this app possible.