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An interpreter for Simple language.


Simple © is a user-friendly high-level functional programing language running on JVM, letting you build better systems with less code.


java Simple
  (no argument)                 Enter REPL
  -v                            Show version
  -i filename1 [filename2 ...]  Read and evaluate code from input files
  -l filename1 [filename2 ...]  Do lexical analysis on code from input files
  -s filename1 [filename2 ...]  Do syntax analysis on code from input files


Simple has a syntax very similar to Common Lisp.

1. Assigning value to variables:

(define numberOfCars 20)

2. Arithmetic operation:

(+ 20 30)    ; 50
(- 40 50)    ; -10
(* 60 70)    ; 4200
(/ 80 90)    ; 0
(% 15 4)     ; 3

3. Relations and logical operations:

(= 10 20)                    ; false
(< 10 20)                    ; true
(and (= 10 10) (< 10 20))    ; false
(or (= 10 10) (< 10 20))     ; true
(not false)                  ; true

4. Manipulating Control flows:

(define price 20)
(define discount true)
(define price
    (= discount true)
    (/ price 2)            ; if discount is true
    price                  ; if discount is false

The false clause of if statement can be omitted.

5. Defining functions:

(define add (function (a b)
  (+ a b)

where add is the function name, a and b are function arguments, (+ a b) is the body (and the return value) of the function.

6. Function calls:

(add 20 30)    ; 50

7. Multiple expression in functions:

(define addOneAndTwo (function ()
    (define a 1)
    (define b 2)
    (+ a b)

The last statement in do will be the return value.

8. Manipulating lists:

(define alist (list 10 20 30))
(first alist)                     ; 10
(rest alist)                      ; (list 20 30)
(append alist (list 40))          ; (list 10 20 30 40)
(empty alist)                     ; false

(sort alist true)                 ; (list 10 20 30 40)
(sort alist false)                ; (list 40 30 20 10)

(define alist 
    (list 1 30)
    (list 2 20)
    (list 3 10)
(sort alist true 0)               ; (list (list 1 30) (list 2 20) (list 3 10))
(sort alist true 1)               ; (list (list 3 10) (list 2 20) (list 1 30))

9. Other built-in functions:

(random 0 10)    ; generate a random integer between [0, 10]

10. Printing values:

(print 10)    ; 10

All the evaluation results of expressions will be automatically printed in REPL. print statement is only useful in code files.


Number, Boolean, List, Function are supported. All types are the subclass of Object.


E -> id | number | BOOLEAN
E -> (E)

BOOLEAN -> true | false
KEYWORD -> if | define | do | function | list
BUILTINFUNC -> + | - | * | / | % 
             | and | or | not | = | < | > | <= | >= 
             | first | rest | append | empty | sort 
             | random | print

Or more formally in BNF:

<expr>                ::= <ID> | <NUMBER> | <boolean>
                        | "(" <expr> ")"
                        | "(" <keyword> <chain-expr> ")" | "(" <function> <chain-expr> ")"
<chain-expr>          ::= <expr> | <expr> " " <chain-expr>
<boolean>             ::= "true" | "false"
<keyword>             ::= "if" | "define" | "do" | "function" | "list"
<function>            ::= <builtin-function> | <CUSTOM-FUNCTION>
<builtin-function>    ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" 
                        | "and" | "or" | "not" | "=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" 
                        | "first" | "rest" | "append" | "empty" | "sort" 
                        | "random" | "print"


Any improvement or bug-fixing is welcome. Create a pull request when you are done.


The MIT License


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