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Community Issue Coordination

Damiano Cipriani edited this page Oct 13, 2023 · 14 revisions

!! (2023/8/24) We will finish the current remaining rotation (Jack, Eric, James Munson), and then start this new rotation list.

We will have a dedicated member for each sprint to help with issues or feedback reported by the community. The coordinator will follow the below rotation order to check issues on the Longhorn GitHub repo and CNCF Slack channels.

Duty Duration

  • A sprint, 2 weeks
  • Start from the first day after the first-week meeting
  • Finish after the second-week meeting

We will update the next coordinator in the second-week meeting.

Rotation Order

  • Chinya
  • Damiano
  • Derek
  • Eric
  • Jack
  • James Lu
  • James Munson
  • Phan
  • Shuo


GitHub Issues

Review the GitHub issues ensure clarity in the issue description, and understand how the user encountered the problem. If the description appears to be unclear, kindly ask the user to provide additional information, such as step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue or a support bundle. If the user encounters difficulty attaching the support bundle to the issue, suggest the user to send it to

Check for existing issues to determine if there is a duplication. Users running older Longhorn versions may face known issues specific to those versions. Therefore, we can review the codebase and existing issues to confirm if the problem has already been addressed.

Community issue review statuses:

  • New: The initial status when an issue is created.
  • In progress: Active issue review.
  • Pending user response: Awaiting further details from the user.
  • Team review required: Indicates that the issue needs discussion with the team during the community issue meeting.
  • Backlog candidate: Suggests the issue is a potential feature or bug for development, awaiting placement in the milestone.
  • Resolved/Scheduled: Indicates the issue is well-understood and scheduled for development or has been determined not to be fixed.
  • Ice Box: Denotes that the root cause of the issue is yet to be determined.

It is good to provide a response to the user by commenting on the issue, outlining the progress and the potential actions to be taken. This not only acknowledges the user's issue but also clarifies potential actions being considered.

If an issue seems more like a question, consider converting it into a discussion.

For all resolved issues, just add to Backlog milestone. For urgent issues needed to tackle soon, especially Bug, just add to the upcoming feature milestone (like v1.6.0 fro example).

GitHub Discussions

For GitHub discussions, the goal is to provide answers to questions and, when necessary, convert them into bug or feature requests.

Slack channels

In Slack, actively monitor and participate in discussions in the following channels:

  • Discuss/prod related channels in SUSE namespace.
  • The #longhorn channel in the CNCF namespace.
  • The #longhorn channel in the Rancher Users namespace.

Respond to user questions, and if a discussion seems to revolve around an existing bug or feature request, encourage the user to create a GitHub issue or create one for the user.


Participate in discussions on the Rancher forum.

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