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Encrypt and obfuscate secrets, then pass them into Swift applications


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Cloak Swift

Swift Package Manager Latest release Twitter: @lordcodes

This is Cloak Swift - a CLI tool to encrypt secrets and then pass them in an obfuscated form into Swift applications.




☑️ Keep your secrets out of Git

Set up secrets locally outside of the Git repository to avoid them being embedded into the code.

☑️ Encrypt secrets

Create encryption key and encrypt secrets ready for use.

☑️ Access secrets from your app

Generate a Swift file to access the secrets from your app's code.

☑️ Obfuscation

The generated Swift uses obfuscation of the values rather than as raw strings.



▶︎ ⚙️ Mise

Cloak Swift can be installed using Mise or ASDF either globally or with a project-specific version.

Note: Currently, the plugin URL needs to be specified. The plugin will be added to the registry soon so that this is no longer required.

Mise .mise.toml

cloak-swift = "0.4.0"

cloak-swift = ""

▶︎ 🖥 Standalone via Swift Package Manager

Cloak Swift can be easily installed globally using Swift Package Manager.

 git clone
 cd cloak-swift
 make install

This will install cloakswift into /usr/local/bin. If you get a permission error it may be that you don't have permission to write there in which case you just need to adjust permissions using sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/bin.

You can uninstall it again using make uninstall which simply deletes it from /usr/local/bin.

▶︎ 🍀 Mint

You can install Cloak Swift on MacOS using Mint as follows:

mint install lordcodes/cloak-swift

▶︎ 📦 As a Swift package

To install Cloak Swift for use in your own Swift code, add it is a Swift Package Manager dependency within your Package.swift file. For help in doing this, please check out the Swift Package Manager documentation.

.package(url: "", exact: "0.4.0")



Set up configuration

Create a configuration file within your project: .cloak/config, this file should be kept in Git and shared between contributors. Enter key-value pairs into the file EnvironmentKey.

  • CLOAK_SECRETS_CLASS_NAME -> Name to give the generated Swift enum that contains the secrets in-app.
  • CLOAK_SECRETS_OUTPUT_FILEPATH -> File path to put the generated Swift file.
  • CLOAK_SECRETS_ACCESS_LEVEL -> Swift access level to give to the enum and each secret static property. E.g. public.

Each of these settings can be provided as an environment variable instead of listed in the configuration file. The config file will take precedance.

For example:


Configure required secret keys

You can list the required secret keys for your project in a .cloak/secret-keys file, which can be kept in Git. This ensures each contributor has provided all required secrets locally. Secret keys should be listed one on each line.

For example:


Configure secrets

Each contributor on a project will need to create a file at .cloak/secrets that uses the same format as the config file but that lists secret key names and values. This file should be added to your project's .gitignore to keep them out of Git.

You should also add your encryption key to this file using the key name CLOAK_ENCRYPTION_KEY. This will allow the encrypt/decrypt commands to function and will also allow it to be included into the generated Swift file so that your app can decrypt the secrets at runtime in order to use them.

If the secret keys are specified in the required keys file secret-keys, then they will be read as environment variables as well, where the environment variables take precendence. This is useful in a CI environment where you can specify them as environment variables and avoid having to write them to a file as you would locally.

The best practice is that the values should be encrypted first.

🖥 Via the Standalone CLI

Run Cloak's tasks via a CLI. The tool will check paths relative to the working directory for the .cloak directory configured above.

USAGE: cloakswift <subcommand> [-q|--quiet]

  createkey  Create encryption key.
  decrypt    Decrypt a value encrypted using cloak.
  encrypt    Encrypt a value.
  generate   Read in secrets, obfuscate them and then generate a Swift file to access them within an app.
  version    Print version.

  -q, --quiet             Silence any output except errors 

You can obtain help using cloakswift --help and also obtain help for each subcommand using cloakswift <subcommand> --help.

Create encryption key

Generates an encryption key, that can then be used within your project to encrypt secrets. This key is then passed into your app so that you can decrypt them at runtime.

cloakswift createkey

Encrypt a value

Provide a value and the encrypted version will be returned. Your encryption key should be provided as described above.

cloakswift encrypt <value>

Decrypt an encrypted value

Provide an encrypted value and the decrypted version will be returned. Your encryption key should be provided as described above.

cloakswift decrypt <encrypted>

Generate a secrets file in-app

Generate a Swift file that can be used to access your secrets within your app at runtime. Certain aspects of the generated file can be customised using the config file as described above. The secrets will be obfuscated and included as [UInt8], but with Swift properties to return them as String in their usable form.

cloakswift generate

📦 As a Swift Package

To use Cloak Swift within your own Swift code, import and use the public API of CloakKit.

import CloakKit

// Configure printing
Cloak.shared.printer = ConsolePrinter(quiet: false)


Contributing or Help

If you notice any bugs or have a new feature to suggest, please check out the contributing guide. If you want to make changes, please make sure to discuss anything big before putting in the effort of creating the PR.

To reach out, please contact @lordcodes on Twitter.