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Lorenzo Magazzini edited this page Sep 12, 2018 · 4 revisions


Welcome to meg-bids-matlab, a collection of MATLAB functions to implement the MEG-BIDS specification (BIDS 1.1.0).

Example script

An example script illustrating how to use these functions is included (convert2bids_examplescript).

Let's suppose that your raw MEG and anatomical MRI data is stored in /example/data/raw and you want to create a BIDS dataset in /example/data/bids.

Let's start with the NBack task of participant "example001".

  1. Convert the raw MEG dataset (/example/data/raw/example001_nback.ds)
  • Specify bids structure fields (e.g., 'participant_label', 'task_label', etc.)
  • Generate full path to MEG-BIDS dataset (see help rename_meg2bids)
  • Copy raw MEG dataset to BIDS directory, following the BIDS naming convention (see help write_meg2bids)
  1. Convert original NIfTI file (/example/data/raw/example001.nii)
  • Specify bids structure fields (e.g., 'participant_label', 'modality_label', etc.)
  • Generate full path to BIDS NIfTI file (see help rename_nii2bids)
  • Copy original NIfTI file to BIDS directory, following the BIDS naming convention (see help write_nii2bids)


To understand the behaviour of each individual function, see their help in MATLAB.

To convert a MEG dataset, see:

help rename_meg2bids.m
help write_meg2bids.m

To convert an MRI NIfTI file, see:

help rename_nii2bids.m
help write_nii2bids.m
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