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Spider Error Handling

Rules of Network Request Handling

  • If request is completed successfully then the corresponding handler is called
  • If request is failed due the network error, then the task is submitted back to the task queue
  • If the request is completed and the handler is called and failed due to any error inside the handler then the task processing is aborted. This type of errors is not fatal. The handler error is logged and other requests and handlers are processed in usual way.

Network Errors

Network error is:

  • error occurred in process of data transmission to or back from the server e.g. connection aborted, connection timeout, server does not accept connection and so on
  • data transmission has been completed but the HTTP status of received document differs from 2XX or from 404

Yes, by default documents with 404 status code counts as valid! That makes sense to me :) If that is not you want then you can configure custom rule to mark status as valid or failed. You have two ways.

First way is to use valid_status argument in Task constructor. With this argument you can only extend the default valid status. This arguments accepts list of additional valid status codes:

t = Task('example', url='', valid_status=(500, 501, 502))

Second way is to redefine valid_response_code method. In this way you can implement any logic you want. Method accepts two arguments: status code and task object. Method returns boolean value, True means that the status code is valid:

class SomeSpider(Spider):
    def valid_response_code(self, code, task):
        return code in (200, 301, 302)

Handling of Failed Tasks

The task failed due to the network error is put back to tas queue. The number of tries is limited to the Spider.network_try_limit and is 10 by default. The try's number is stored in the Task.network_try_count. If network_try_count reaches the network_try_limit the task is aborted.

When the task is aborted and there is method with name task_<task-name>_fallback then it is called and receives the failed task as first argument.

Also, it happens that you need to put task back to task queue even it was not failed due to the network error. For example, the response contains captcha challenge or other invalid data reasoned by the anti-scraping protection. You can control number of such tries. Max tries number is configured by Spider.task_try_count. The try's number is stored in Task.task_try_count. Keep in mind, that you have to increase task_try_count explicitly when you put task back to task queue.

def task_google(self, grab, task):
    if captcha_found(grab):
        yield Task('google', url=grab.config['url'],
                   task_try_count=task.task_try_count + 1)

def task_google_fallback(self, task):
    print 'Google is not happy with you IP address'

Manual Processing of Failed Tasks

You can disable default mechanism of processing failed tasks and process failures manually. Use raw=True parameter in Task constructor. If the network request would fail then the grab object passed to the handler would contain information about failure in two attributes: grab.response.error_code and grab.response.error_msg

See example:

class TestSpider(Spider):
    def task_generator(self):
        yield Task('page', url='', raw=True)

    def task_page(self, grab, task):
        if grab.response.error_code:
            print('Request failed. Reason: %s' % grab.response.error_msg)
            print('Request completed. HTTP code: %d' % grab.response.code)

Error Statistics

After spider has completed the work or even in the process of working you can receive the information about number of completed requests, failed requests, number of specific network errors with method Spider.render_stats.