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Polyglot Hadoop. A project trying to bring some dynamism to Hadoop Map Reduce via JSR-223 supported languages

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#PHadoop (Polyglot Hadoop)

pHadoop is right now a playground for bringing some jvm scripting ( JSR 223 ) to hadoop jobs.

You can use different kinds of scripts as mappers or reducers, but you should follow the naming convention

  • Extensions should be proper such as: mapper.js, (The scripting engine takes the extensions into account)
  • Function names should be 'map' for mapper and 'reduce' for reducer
  • Inside the scripts, the variables start with underscore such as _key,_value are reserved

###Differences from HadoopStreaming

  • The script being executed is inside the JVM
  • You get full control over the Hadoop serialized key and value types.
  • Context is exposed to the scripts, you can easily report progress or such
  • Probably slower but no performance metrics yet

###Reserved Variables _mkey stands for "mapper output key" and _mvalue stands for mapper output value.
mkey and mvalue instances are extracted from the script at the startup of map or reduce phase and then reused as the _key _value wrappers.

This is just for performance improvement, you can instantiate new Writable's but reusing is encouraged.

mkey and mvalue are optional, default type is if omitted.

#QuickStart ##Wordcount example ###Mapper.js _mkey = new; _mvalue = new;

function map(key, value, context){
	words = value.toString().split(' ');
	for(var i=0; i < words.length; i++) {
    	var word = words[i];
} from import Text _rkey = Text() _rvalue = Text()

def reduce(key,values,context):
	count = 0
	for value in values:

###How to execute After building with mvn clean install:

hadoop  jar phadoop-app/target/phadoop-uber-cli.jar phadoop ./example/mapper.js ./example/ ./example/input/ ./example/output

and the result should be something similar:

hadoop	2
hello	1
java	1
javascript	1
js	1
python	3

##phadoop-core contains some basic plumbing to get this working

##phadoop-js contains some primitive code to use JavaScript code as Hadoop Map Reduce functions

###Simple JavaScript Mapper function map(key, value, context){ _key.set(key); _value.set(value); context.write(_key,_value); }

###Simple JavaScript Reducer function reduce(key, values, context){ var iterator=values.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { _key.set(key); _value.set(; context.write(_key,_value); } }

##phadoop-python contains some primitive code to use Python code as Hadoop Map Reduce functions

###Simple Python Mapper def map(key,value,context): print key,value _key.set(key) _value.set(value) context.write(_key,_value)

###Simple Python Reducer def reduce(key,values,context): print key,values for value in values: _key.set(key) _value.set(value) context.write(_key,_value)


Ruby support, check tests to see examples

##Support for Custom Input & Output Formats

In the mapper script, you need to assign the fully qualified class names as follows:


#Web UI We have a simple webapp with some editing capabilities thanks to @kramer.

After building with mvn clean install:

    cd phadoop-ui
    lein run

Here is what it looks like:

Copyright and License

Copyright 2013

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Polyglot Hadoop. A project trying to bring some dynamism to Hadoop Map Reduce via JSR-223 supported languages






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