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The Scala library that provides extension methods for java.time.

Getting Started

To get started, add little-time as a dependency to your project:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.losizm" %% "little-time" % "4.0.2"

NOTE: Starting with version 1.0, little-time is written for Scala 3. See previous releases for compatibility with Scala 2.12 and Scala 2.13.

A Taste of little-time

Here's a taste of what little-time offers.

Iterating over Dates

You can create an iterator from one LocalDate to another, stepping thru each date between the two.

import java.time.*
import little.time.{ *, given }

// Convert String to LocalDate
val start = "2018-04-01".toLocalDate
val end   = "2018-07-01".toLocalDate

// Iterate over dates, one day at a time (end inclusive)
start.iterateTo(end).foreach { date =>
  println(s"$date is on a ${date.getDayOfWeek}")

// Iterate over dates, one day at a time (end exclusive)
start.iterateUntil(end).foreach { date =>
  println(s"$date is on a ${date.getDayOfWeek}")

Specifying Step Unit

When creating the iterator, you can specify the Period by which to step.

// Iterate over dates, two weeks at a time
start.iterateTo(end, Period.ofWeeks(2)) foreach { date =>
  println(s"$date is on a ${date.getDayOfWeek}")

You can iterate forward or backward, based on the supplied period. If the period is negative, you step backward to the end date.

import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit

val oneDay    = Period.ofDays(1)
val startDate =
val endDate   = startDate - 7

// Iterator backward over dates, 1 day at a time
startDate.iterateUntil(endDate, -oneDay).foreach { date =>
  val daysAgo = date.until(startDate, ChronoUnit.DAYS)
  println(s"$date is $daysAgo days(s) ago")

Iterating over Other Types

You can create iterators of other types, like YearMonth and LocalTime. Similar to LocalDate, you specify a Period by which to step when creating an iterator of YearMonth; whereas, for LocalTime, you must specify a Duration.

// Convert String to YearMonth
val startMonth = "2018-04".toYearMonth
val endMonth   = "2020-03".toYearMonth

// Iterate over months, 3 months at a time
startMonth.iterateTo(endMonth, Period.ofMonths(3)).foreach { month =>
  val diff = startMonth.until(month, ChronoUnit.MONTHS)
  println(s"$month is $diff month(s) after $startMonth")

// Convert String to LocalTime
val startTime = "09:00".toLocalTime
val endTime   = "17:00".toLocalTime

// Iterate over times, 15 minutes at a time
startTime.iterateUntil(endTime, Duration.ofMinutes(15)).foreach {
  case time if time.getMinute ==  0 => println(s"It's $time, back to work")
  case time if time.getMinute == 45 => println(s"It's $time, take a break")
  case time                         => println(s"It's $time")

For LocalDateTime, you can specify either a Period or Duration by which to step.

val twoYears      = Period.ofYears(2)
val startDateTime = "2019-06-15T12:30:45".toLocalDateTime
val endDateTime   = startDateTime + twoYears * 3

// Iterate over 6 years, 2 years at a time
startDateTime.iterateTo(endDateTime, twoYears).foreach { dateTime =>
  println(s"Date-time is $dateTime")

val _45secs = Duration.ofSeconds(45)
val otherDateTime = startDateTime + Duration.ofMinutes(3)

// Iterate over 3 minutes, 45 seconds at a time
startDateTime.iterateTo(otherDateTime, _45secs).foreach { dateTime =>
  println(s"Date-time is $dateTime")

Lastly, you can iterate between one Duration and another.

val _17mins = Duration.ofMinutes(17)

// Iterate from 17 minutes to 34 minutes, 45 seconds at a time
_17mins.iterateTo(_17mins * 2, _45secs).foreach { duration =>
  println(s"${duration.toMillis / 1000} secs from now is ${ + duration}")

Setting Dates to Common Boundaries

When working with dates, you can set them to common boundaries.

import DayOfWeek.*

val now =

// Get first and last date of current month
val startOfMonth = now.atStartOfMonth
val endOfMonth   = now.atEndOfMonth

// Get first and last date of current week
val startOfWeek = now.atStartOfWeek
val endOfWeek   = now.atEndOfWeek

// Print first and last date of current week, with Monday as first day of week

Setting Times to Common Boundaries

When working with times, you can set them to common boundaries, too. However, to set an end boundary, you must specify the TimePrecision. You may do this explicitly by passing the precision in the method call, or keep a given precision in scope.

import little.time.TimePrecision

// Set time precision to milliseconds
given TimePrecision = TimePrecision.Milliseconds

val now =

// Get first and last millisecond of current hour
val startOfHour = now.atStartOfHour
val endOfHour   = now.atEndOfHour

// Get first and last millisecond of current minute
val startOfMinute = now.atStartOfMinute
val endOfMinute   = now.atEndOfMinute

// Get first and last millisecond of current second
val startOfSecond = now.atStartOfSecond
val endOfSecond   = now.atEndOfSecond

The same applies to LocalDateTime, which is both a date and a time. You must ensure a given TimePrecision is in scope when setting to an end boundary – or supply one explicitly in the method call.

given TimePrecision = TimePrecision.Seconds

val dateTime = "2017-05-12T15:23:17.123456789".toLocalDateTime

// Set to last second of year
val endOfYear = dateTime.atEndOfYear

// Set to last microsecond of day
val endOfDay = dateTime.atEndOfDay(using TimePrecision.Microseconds)

Working with CronSchedule

A CronSchedule provides a cron-like utility for specifying times at which something should occur.

import java.time.{ LocalDateTime, Period }
import java.time.LocalTime.NOON
import java.time.Month.{ OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER }

import little.time.{ *, given }

// Create schedule
val schedule = CronSchedule(
  times       = Seq(NOON),
  daysOfMonth = Seq(1, 15),
  months      = Seq(OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER),
  daysOfWeek  = Nil)

val start =
val end   = start + Period.ofYears(1)

// Iterate over scheduled times
schedule.between(start, end).foreach { time =>
  println(s"${time.toLocalDate} at ${time.toLocalTime}")

// Create schedule using cron-like syntax
val altSchedule = CronSchedule("0 12 1,15 10-12 *")
assert( ==

API Documentation

See scaladoc for additional details.


little-time is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. See LICENSE for more information.