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RDD Sigmoidal Contrast Unit Tests
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James McClain committed Oct 24, 2016
1 parent ea923c1 commit 32deaad
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@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
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package geotrellis.spark.sigmoidal

import geotrellis.raster._
import geotrellis.spark._

import org.scalatest._

class RDDSigmoidalContrastSpec extends FunSpec
with Matchers
with TestEnvironment {

describe("RDD Histogram Equalization") {

it("should work with float-point rasters") {
val x = Double.MaxValue / 2.0
val a = Double.MinValue
val b = 0
val c = Double.MaxValue
val data1 = List(a, a+x)
val data2 = List(b, c-x, c)

val tile1: Tile = DoubleArrayTile(, 1, 2)
val tile2: Tile = DoubleArrayTile(, 1, 3)
val rdd = ContextRDD(sc.parallelize(List((0, tile1), (1, tile2))), 33).sigmoidal(.5, 10)
val array = rdd.collect.flatMap(_._2.toArrayDouble)

(array(0)/a) should be <= (1.2)
(array(1)/a) should be <= (1.2)
(c/array(3)) should be <= (1.2)
(c/array(4)) should be <= (1.2)

it("should work with unsigned integral rasters") {
val x = 1<<14
val a = 0
val b = 1<<15
val c = (1<<16)-1
val data1 = List(a, a+x).map(_.toShort)
val data2 = List(b, c-x, c).map(_.toShort)

val tile1: Tile = UShortArrayTile(data1.toArray, 1, 2, UShortCellType)
val tile2: Tile = UShortArrayTile(data2.toArray, 1, 3, UShortCellType)
val rdd = ContextRDD(sc.parallelize(List((0, tile1), (1, tile2))), 33).equalize
val array = rdd.collect.flatMap(_._2.toArray)

(array(0) - a) should be <= (442)
array(1) should be <= x
(array(2) - b) should be <= (442)
array(3) should be >= c-x
(c - array(4)) should be <= (442)

it("should work with signed integral rasters") {
val x = 1<<14
val a = -(1<<15)
val b = 0
val c = (1<<15)-1
val data1 = List(a, a+x).map(_.toShort)
val data2 = List(b, c-x, c).map(_.toShort)

val tile1: Tile = ShortArrayTile(data1.toArray, 1, 2, ShortCellType)
val tile2: Tile = ShortArrayTile(data2.toArray, 1, 3, ShortCellType)
val rdd = ContextRDD(sc.parallelize(List((0, tile1), (1, tile2))), 33).equalize
val array = rdd.collect.flatMap(_._2.toArray)

(array(0) - a) should be <= (442)
array(1) should be <= x
(array(2) - b) should be <= (442)
array(3) should be >= c-x
(c - array(4)) should be <= (442)

it("should work with multiband tiles") {
val x = 1<<14
val a = -(1<<15)
val b = 0
val c = (1<<15)-1
val data1 = List(a, a+x, b).map(_.toShort)
val data2 = List(b, c-x, c).map(_.toShort)

val tile1: MultibandTile = ArrayMultibandTile(
ShortArrayTile(data1.toArray, 1, 3, ShortCellType),
ShortArrayTile(data1.toArray, 1, 3, ShortCellType))
val tile2: MultibandTile = ArrayMultibandTile(
ShortArrayTile(data2.toArray, 1, 3, ShortCellType),
ShortArrayTile(data2.toArray, 1, 3, ShortCellType))
val rdd = ContextRDD(sc.parallelize(List((0, tile1), (1, tile2))), 33).equalize
val array = rdd.collect.flatMap(_._2.bands.flatMap(_.toArray))

(array.head - a) should be <= (442)
(c - array.last) should be <= (442)


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