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This container can be utilized to create base backups for a postgres instance which is configured to do continuous archiving.



The container can be deployed beside the postgres instance. The postgres data directory must be mounted to /pgdata. To configure psql inside the backup container following environment variables must be set.


The password can either be specified via a pgpass file or the PGPASSWORD variable. The entrypoint script is looking for a pgpass file in /run/secrets/pgpass and copies it into the right directory if it exists. For further information please look at the postgres documentation:


Wal-e needs a couple environment variables to work:

  • WALE_S3_PREFIX: s3://{bucketname}/{path to where backups should be placed}
  • WALE_S3_ENDPOINT: http+path://minio:9000 // only needed for non s3 urls

At the moment only the packages for s3 are installed. Wal-e supports a couple other providers which could be installed if needed. For further configuration options please look here


The entrypoint can create a minimal ofelia config if needed. By setting BACKUP_SCHEDULE to a cron like schedule a backup will be created according to it. If you'd also like to delete older backups you can set BACKUPS_TO_RETAIN to a non negative integer doing this will create a job which keeps the number of backups specified and deletes the older ones.

If you need a more specific setup you can mount your own ofelia.conf file at /etc/ofelia.conf. If this file exists the entrypoint won't touch it.

For further information about ofelia please visit their github page.


To restore the db a couple of steps must be taken:

  • create a new empty postgres instance
  • mount the data directory into the backup container
  • make sure postgres isn't running
  • use wal-e backup-fetch /pgdata LATEST to restore the latest backup
  • place a recovery.conf file in the /pgdata directory
  • start postgres

To make this all a bit easier a script is located at /usr/local/bin/restore It needs the RESTORE_COMMAND variable to be set to the correct command to restore the wal files. Which it uses to create the recovery.conf file and place it inside the /pgdata directory. The backup can be specified as the first argument for the script. For example restore LATEST.

The whole scenario can be tested by starting everything with ./gradlew localDev. Making some changes to the Database and then executing the script. This script creates a new Backup then deletes the whole pgdata directory contents restarting the postgres container to create a fresh Database, stopping it and restoring the backup, afterwards starting postgres again. At this point postgres should fetch all missing wal files and then be in the same state as before starting the script.

check backup status

It's possible to use the check_backup command inside the container to check if the backups reached the specified aws bucket. It needs two extra environment variables to be set:

  • BASE_BACKUP_INTERVAL_MINUTES (Default = 10080 = 1 week)
    • scripts checks if the last backup isn't older than the interval + 5 minutes
  • CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS (Default = 300 -> default in postgres)
    • corresponds to the postgres setting checkpoint_timeout, after this time postgres needs to create a new wal file and archive the old
    • script checks if the last wal file archived isn't older than the timeout + 2 minutes.
    • If this token is set, a Slack notification is sent if the check fails
  • SLACK_CHANNEL (Default = sysadmin)
    • The channel to which the notification is sent (without #)
    • Additional text to be appended to the notification, which may contain other useful information (e.g. stg/prod environment)