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Foocsim is a simple single threaded cache simulator. It uses an SPC1-like load generator to study the behavior of various cache implementations.


Binary Install

Go to RELEASES and download the Linux x86_64 binary.

Source Install

Go to your GOPATH type:

$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go get ./...
$ cd foocsim
$ go build


  • Run a simulation using a block size of 4KB and an application page cache of 8MB.
$ ./foocsim
go run foocsim.go -cachetype=iocache -blocksize=4 -ios=10000000 -warmup=false -pagecachesize=8 
== Simulation ==
## App 0 ##
== Page Cache ==
Cache Utilization: 91.89 %
Read Hit Rate: 0.0066
Write Hit Rate: 0.3665
Read hits: 44279
Write hits: 1200506
Delete hits: 0
Reads: 6724310
Writes: 3275690
Deletions: 0
Insertions: 9955721
Evictions: 8753333
Invalidations: 1200506
Mean Read Latency: 0.00 usecs
Mean Write Latency: 0.00 usecs
Mean Delete Latency: 0.00 usecs
== Cache ==
Cache Utilization: 17.61 %
Read Hit Rate: 0.9526
Write Hit Rate: 0.9688
Read hits: 6363241
Write hits: 3173650
Delete hits: 0
Reads: 6680031
Writes: 3275690
Deletions: 0
Insertions: 3592480
Evictions: 49518
Invalidations: 3173650
Mean Read Latency: 0.00 usecs
Mean Write Latency: 0.00 usecs
Mean Delete Latency: 0.00 usecs

Total Time: 25.641628781s
  • The simulation created a file called
  • Run to create graphs using gnuplot as follows:
$ ./
  • Run simulation with the iodb backend:
$ ./foocsim -cachetype=iodb
== Warmup ==
== Simulation ==
== Cache ==
Cache Utilization: 60.51 %
Read Hit Rate: 0.6440
Write Hit Rate: 0.6466
Read hits: 41800
Write hits: 22692
Delete hits: 0
Reads: 64904
Writes: 35096
Deletions: 0
Insertions: 58200
Evictions: 0
Invalidations: 22692
Mean Read Latency: 172.19 usecs
Mean Write Latency: 77.41 usecs
Mean Delete Latency: 0.25 usecs
== IoDB Information ==
Ram Hit Rate: 0.1095
Ram Hits: 8582
Buffer Hit Rate: 0.2428
Buffer Hits: 19027
Storage Hits: 50766
Wraps: 0
Segments Skipped: 31
Mean Read Latency: 151.11 usec
Mean Segment Read Latency: 0.00 usec
Mean Write Latency: 2596.59 usec

Total Time: 16.462160666s

Example Plots






Help Screen

$ go run foocsim.go -help
Usage of foocsim:
  Buffer Cache size as a percentage of the cache size
  Block size in KB.
  Cache size in GB.
  Cache type to use.
  Cache types with no IO backend:
    simple, null, iocache.
  Cache types with IO backends using iocache frontend:
    boltdb, iodb
  Number of clients
  Number of IOs per data collected
  % of File deletions
  Use DIRECTIO in iodb
  Number of inflight buffers
  Segment size in KB
  Number of IOs for each client
  Maximum file size MB. Default 8TB.
  Number of files
  Size of VM page cache above the IO cache in MB
  Create files of random size with a maximum of maxfilesize.
  If false, set the file size exactly to maxfilesize.
  % of Reads
  Warmup cache before running simulation
  Print stats after warmup stage
  Writethrough or read miss

Cache Types

Caches with no IO generated

  • null: Caches nothing. Useful for testing.
  • simple: Uses Golang maps as key-val store with a CLOCK-like eviction policy.
  • iocache: Uses data structures described in Mercury.

Caches which generate IO

  • boltdb: Uses BoltDB
  • iodb: Uses data structures based on Mercury.