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For M14B and F12A students

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final exam preparation(tut2)

We will go through the final exam prepartion on:

Assignment demo

I will have assignment demo session for python.

  • Time:
    • week 5,7~9: Thursday and Friday 14:00~16:00
  • Link:
  • Schedule:
    • W5: week assignment overview: How to start from 0. basic code demo.

    • W7: assignment structure design

      • app design / protocol design
      • data structure
      • basic python operations
        • how to create/delete/modify txt file
        • how to send/receive json object between server/clients
        • Demo code for:
          • EDG
          • UED
          • DTE
          • AED
        • Recording link:
    • W8: assignment P2P key functions demo and discussion

    • W9: How to do submission and testcase

      • report content
          1. how to run the script
          1. what is your application protocol and data structre?
          1. any bug or trade-off you made for your program? (for example, you have significant delay on UDP file transmission to make sure the reliable file transfer)
        • ps: 1~2 pages is enough, make it simple and clear.
      • new credentials.txt and testcase
      • submission checklist

Assignment Test Instructions

Note: Please try to run your application with the follwing commands, and check if you have expected output. This is not an official testcase, just for reference, please always follow the instructions of Assignment SPEC.


  • login with correct password
  • login with incorrect password, for 3 times. -- the client terminal should shutdown and user should be blocked.
  • login with with a blocked username, from another client(new terminal).
  • login with a username that does not exist -- should print out the error
  • Check the page 16~17 in SPEC, make sure you have the same output as the examples.
  • try this new credentials.txt


login to Yoda, test the EDG with these commands:

  • Your code should work properly with:
    • EDG 1 5
    • EDG 2 1000
    • EDG 3 5
  • Then check you have Yoda-1.txt, Yoda-2.txt,Yoda-3.txt generated in the same folder.
  • Your code should report the error with:
    EDG 0.1 100 -- invalid fileID
    EDG 4 10.00 -- invalid dataAmount
    EDG 35 -- invalid msg format, no dataAmount provided


  • Use Yoda to issue UED command, The client should display an error message.
  • Use Yoda to issue UED 1 command, then check the logfile uploadlog.txt, make sure the format is following the page 5 SPEC:
edgeDeviceName; timestamp; fileID; dataAmount
Yoda; 10 November 2022 10:31:13; 1; 5


  • Make sure you are doing the computation in the Server side.
  • Use Yoda to issue SCS 1 MAX command, The client should display a proper max value for file 1.
  • try AVERAGE, MIN, SUM at the same way.
  • try to issue SCS 1 UNKNOWACTION command, your client should be able to report the error unknown action.
  • try to issue SCS 10 MAX command, your client should be able to report the error file not exist.


  • Use Yoda to issue DTE x command, The client should display an error message invalid fileID.
  • Use Yoda to issue DTE 2 command, then check the logfile deletion-log.txt, make sure the format is following the page 6 SPEC:
edgeDeviceName; timestamp; fileID; dataAmount
Yoda; 30 September 2022 10:33:13; 2; 1000
  • Then check if the file-2 has been deleted in the server side.


  • login as Yoda, then issue AED command, you should get the response “no other active edge devices”;
  • login to Hans (and Yoda is also runnning in another terminal), then issue AED command in Hans' terminal, then you should be able to see Yoda is online and the UDP port number. Do not show the information about Hans.


  • Login to Yoda, check the active user log, yoda should be in the logfile.
  • Issue command EDG and UED to upload a file to the server, then issue OUT, check the active user log in the server, yoda should not be in the logfile edge-device-log.txt now. Then check Yoda-1.txt, yoda's file should still remain in the server.


  • Check the code in, make sure it is UDP instead of TCP; (very important)
  • Download the video file ski.mp4, put it in the same folder with
  • Login to Yoda only, then issue UVF and UVF Hans Filenotexist.mp4 and UPD Hans ski.mp4, your client should prompt an error message.
  • Login to Yoda and Hans, then try to run UPD Hans ski.mp4 in Yoda's terminal, you should be able to find the yoda_ski.mp4 in the folder, try to play the video, see if it is playable. Also check the size of the video is the same(any packet loss?).

What's more

Please check the Assignment SPEC. Page 17~22, test your program with the examples and make sure you have exactly same output.




Tut01 / Midterm


NS2 101

Exercise 1.

  • Create a simulator object: set ns [new simulator]

  • Open file: set fx [open w]

  • Create nodes: set n1 [$ns node]

  • Create links between the nodes: $ns duplex-link $n1 $n6 2.5Mb 40ms DropTail

  • Set the correct orientation: $ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n2 orient up

  • Setup TCP and FTP:

    # Create TCP conn
    set tcpX [new Agent/TCP]
    $ns attach-agent $nX $tcpX
    #Sink for traffic at Node nX
    set sinkX [new Agent/TCPSink]
    $ns attach-agent $nX $sinkX
    $ns connect $tcpX $sinkX
    $tcpX set fid_ X
    #Setup FTP over TCP connection
    set ftpX [new Application/FTP]
    $ftpX attach-agent $tcpX
  • the proc function

     proc record {} {
     >>	**global ns sink1 sink2 f1 f2**
     	#Get an instance of the simulator
     	set ns [Simulator instance]
     	#Set the time after which the procedure should be called again
     	set time 0.1
     	#How many bytes have been received by the traffic sinks at n5?
     	set bw1 [$sink1 set bytes_]
     >>	set bw2 [$sink2 set bytes_]
     	#Get the current time
     	set now [$ns now]
     	#Calculate the bandwidth (in MBit/s) and write it to the files
     	puts $f1 "$now [expr $bw1/$time*8/1000000]"
     	puts $f2 "$now [expr $bw2/$time*8/1000000]"
     	#Reset the bytes_ values on the traffic sinks
     >>	$sink1 set bytes_ 0
     >>	$sink2 ...........
     	#Re-schedule the procedure
     	$ns at [expr $now+$time] "record"
  • start recording: ns at 0.0 "record"

  • start FTP sessions: $ns at 0.5 "$ftp1 start"

  • Stop FTP sessions: $ns at 8.5 "$ftp1 stop"

  • Call the finish procedure after 10 seconds of simulation time: $ns at 10.0 "finish"

  • Run the simulation: $ns run








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