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Official 1.3 Release of CPCtelera

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@lronaldo lronaldo released this 17 Oct 15:33
· 435 commits to master since this release

This new release of CPCtelera comes with lots of new features and improvements that we expect to empower your game creation as much as possible.

Here is a sum-up of new features included in this release:
  • API change on cpct_getXBits functions. Changed order of parameters to further optimize operations.
  • Optimized functions: bitarray functions, cpct_count2VSYNC, cpct_px2byteM0, cpct_enable/disablefirmware, cpct_getHWColour, cpct_setPalette, cpct_fw2hw
  • Added example on getting hardware values with cpct_getHWColour
  • Automatic inclusion of binary files in DSK: Users can now specify a path for the makefile to retrieve binary files and insert them on the DSK on compilation.
  • iDSK: Fixed historic data corruption problem on adding new files.
  • Added cpct_winape script that automatically downloads, installs and lauches winape from command line to speed up development process. It works multiplatform, transparently using wine where required.
  • Added cpct_setInterruptHandler and cpct_removeInterruptHandler functions to let the user easily hook any function to system interrupts.
  • Added example on hooking a function to system interrupts.
  • Added cpct_img2tileset support for generating sprites with interlaced masks.
  • Added new script cpct_tmx2csv to convert tmx files from tiled into CSVs ready for inclusion in user code.
  • Added Augusto Ruiz's dskgen tool for generating and managing DSKs low level.
  • Updated SDCC with latest patches and bugfixes.
  • Modified SDCC building: SDCC now builds with maximum optimizations activated and all unnecessary parts are removed from compilation (it compiles faster)
  • Improved Makefile functions for CDT Creation.
  • Added examples about automatic assets inclusion/conversion and CDT generation with multiple files.
  • Improved compatibility and functionality of Augusto Ruiz's img2cpc
  • Improved examples and explanations
  • Added GCC/CLang version checking on installation (checks required C++11 features are present)
  • Added splitted C/ASM bindings for most of CPCtelera's functions, along with __z88dk_callee and __z88dk_fastcall calling convention use.

Thank you very much to all of you who are collaborating with CPCtelera. This is getting better and better thanks to all of you. Special mention in this release goes to donnors: Arnaud Bouche, Roald Strauss, Ervin Pajor, Tim Riemann and Lachlan Keown. I also want to specially mention Augusto Ruiz for his incredible support and direct collaboration with the project as developer.

Hope you enjoy this release and create new and better games and software for Amstrad CPC! :)