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A Python based tool for generating hardware registers and their associated files

Create Some Registers!

cat > my_regs.txt
MY_REG_1           RW                It's a read-write register
  bf1              1'b0              Single bit RW register that resets to 0
  bf2              3'd7              A 3bit RW register that reset to 7
  bf               4'h9              We don't leave our hex friends hanging

MY_REG_2           RW
 somebf            1'b0              
 readit            1'b0     RO       This is a read-only register 


gen_regs_py -i my_regs.txt -p my -b regs
Generating file -- my_regs_regs_top.v

head -50 my_regs_regs_top.v

// Created by sbridges on September/27/2021 at 13:39:28
// my_regs_regs_top.v

module my_regs_regs_top #(
  parameter    ADDR_WIDTH = 8
  output wire         swi_bf1,
  output wire [2:0]   swi_bf2,
  output wire [3:0]   swi_bf,
  output wire         swi_somebf,
  input  wire         readit,
  output reg  [31:0]  debug_bus_ctrl_status,

  //DFT Ports (if used)

  // APB Interface
  input  wire RegReset,
  input  wire RegClk,
  input  wire PSEL,
  input  wire PENABLE,
  input  wire PWRITE,
  output wire PSLVERR,
  output wire PREADY,
  input  wire [(ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] PADDR,
  input  wire [31:0] PWDATA,
  output wire [31:0] PRDATA

See the gen_regs_py.pdf for more details and usecases!

  • python - Dir for python files
  • docs - Documentation using Sphinx (can also look at pdfs in the top level)
  • exec - Single file executables for deployment (are copied to top level after generation)
  • tests - Example testbench using the gr_uvm_reg_agent to validate any changes to the gen_regs_py or gen_uvm_reg_model script

The executables are provided for deploying across multiple servers. I had to do this at work and I just got fed up with having to make sure each server had pip modules. I wasn't even about to try to get everyone on virtualenvs!

gen_uvm_reg_model doc is half-baked. Will try to update when time allows


If you want to play around with it....

Due to some older server support originally still on python 2.7 (really 2.6 support). Want to upgrade to 3.6 when time allows. So for now we should do the following to compile the executible.

'virtualenv venv' at top level repo source venv/bin/activate* (* is shell type) pip install -r requirements.txt (at least pyparsing)

We can then point to the pyinstaller in the venv/bin dir for compiling


A Python based tool for generating hardware registers and their associated files







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