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Nuclear Kafka

A Clojure wrapper with batteries for Reactor Kafka.


Producer config sample

{:brokers ["localhost" 9092]
 :key-serializer keyword-serializer
 :value-serializer json-serializer
 :shape [:vector :topic :key :value :headers]
 :max-in-flight 10
 :stop-on-error? false
 :on-scheduler bounded-elastic
 {:on-producer-added #(println "id: " %1 "\nproducer: " %2)
  :on-producer-removed #(println "id: " %1 "\nproducer: " %2)}
 :protocol :sasl-plain
 :auth {:username "lucas"
        :password "my-pwd"
        :mechanism :plain}}

Producer config sample

{:brokers ["localhost" 9092]
 :topics [:nuclear-kafka-test]
 :group-id "nuclear-kafka-consumer-group"
 :key-deserializer keyword-deserializer
 :value-deserializer json-deserializer
 :shape [:map :topic :key :value :headers]
 :poll-timeout 1000
 :close-timeout 20000
 :assign-listeners [println]
 :revoke-listeners [println]
 :commit-interval 3000
 :commit-batch-size 5
 :max-commit-attempts 500
 :commit-retry-interval 1000
 :on-scheduler bounded-elastic
 {:on-consumer-added #(println "id: " %1 "\nconsumer: " %2)
  :on-consumer-removed #(println "id: " %1 "\nconsumer: " %2)}
 :protocol :sasl-plain
 :auth {:username "lucas"
        :password "my-pwd"
        :mechanism :plain}}

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2023 Lucas Arthur

This file is part of Nuclear Kafka, an open-source library whose goal is to use Reactor Kafka with Clojure in an idiomatic and simplified way.

Nuclear Kafka is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Nuclear Kafka is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Nuclear Kafka. If not, see