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💻 Nameko Devex Web Test w/ SvelteKit

The web application made for the test is inside the gateapi/web folder

⚙️ How to run the application

Clone the repository
$ git clone

Run the microservices
$ docker-compose up
Or run the microservices locally by following these steps:
$ brew install jq
$ conda env create -f environment_dev.yml
$ conda activate nameko-devex
$ ./
$ ./ gateway.service orders.service products.service

Any doubts about how to run the microservices locally, please refer to the (Docker) or (Local)

# Enter the web application folder
$ cd gateapi/web

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Run the application
$ npm run dev

# Run the tests (integration tests) 🧪
$ npm run test

📄 Tasks

  • Style and structure the Property details page according to this Figma mock using Tailwindcss
  • Make a GET request to the orders API, retrieving the Order with id 1, displaying those details on the page

💢 Troubleshooting

  • Initially Had errors running the npm run dev command
    • I've installed vite as a dev dependency with npm i --save-dev vite, to run the project using it
    • Created a new vite.config.js file, adding a vite configuration inside of the svelte-kit project using the sveltekit plugin. Also, inside the svelte.config.js file, I've changed the preprocessor of svelte-preprocess to vitePreprocess from @sveltejs/kit/vite and removed the methodOverride property
    • Furthermore, I've changed the svelte-kit commands to vite inside the package.json file
    • Replaced svelte. on the app.html file to sveltekit.
    • Changed the file names from index.svelte to +page.svelte as well as _layout.svelte to +layout.svelte
    • Now the application works correctly when running the npm run dev command
  • CORS Issues
    • I was having a CORS problem when requesting the Orders service: Error: CORS error: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource
    • To fix it I've added a proxy configuration setting for the request inside the vite.config.js

⚙️ Features

  • Created LabeledInput, PropertyTypeCard, OrderPropertyWrapper Components. So that they can be reutilized on the application
  • Used the static/ folder to store images, due to the fact that they will be copied to the output directory during the build process, and are served by the server
  • The same was done for fonts. Also, some configurations were made to the tailwind.config.cjs file in order to identify font-families for class recognition
  • Made sure that the application works smoothly on mobile and tablets
  • Requests were made using SvelteKit's SSR capabilities, in order to fetch data from the server, pre-loading data with direct requests to the server, reducing the workload for the client
  • Added Integration tests to both developed pages.
    • These tests are integration tests because they test the interaction between multiple components of the application (such as the PropertyDetails component and the PropertyTypeCard component) to ensure they work together correctly. They also test how the user interacts with the interface and how the application responds to user input.

📷 Screenshots

Property Details page

Order Details page


🖥️ Client application made w/ SvelteKit






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