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Simple Serial Slave-Master Protocol (S3MP)

S3MP is a simple protocol for defining communication between two devices. It is a Master/Slave protocol.


This protocol was created for being used on personal projects where two devices need to exchange data through a serial channel. Think of a Raspberry Pi sending commands to an Arduino that has a lot of sensors plugged to it.


Messages are encoded using Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS), as detailed on this paper.

Encoded messages are terminated by the marker 0x00. In sum, the transmitted data is the following:

COBS(message) + CHECKSUM(COBS(message)) + MARKER

The following is a small variation of the original C code, that returns the number of bytes read/written:

#define FinishBlock(X) (*code_ptr = (X), code_ptr = dst++, code = 0x01)

size_t cobsEncode(const byte *ptr, size_t length, byte *dst) {
  const uint8_t *original_dst = dst;
  const uint8_t *end = ptr + length;
  uint8_t *code_ptr = dst++;
  uint8_t code = 0x01;

  while (ptr < end) {
    if (*ptr == 0) FinishBlock(code);
    else {
      *dst++ = *ptr;
      if (++code == 0xFF) FinishBlock(code);


  return dst - original_dst - 1;

size_t cobsDecode(const byte *ptr, size_t length, byte *dst) {
  const uint8_t *original_dst = dst;
  const uint8_t *end = ptr + length;
  while (ptr < end) {
    int code = *ptr++;
    for (int i = 1; i < code; i++) *dst++ = *ptr++;
    if (code < 0xFF) *dst++ = 0;
  return dst - original_dst - 1;


A checksum field is used as part of the exchanged messages in order to validate that a message was fully and correctly received.

The algorithm used is documented here, being the following its pseudocode:

Set LRC = 0
For each byte b in the buffer
    Set LRC = (LRC + b) AND 0xFF
end do
Set LRC = (((LRC XOR 0xFF) + 1) AND 0xFF)

It is applied to the string of Code (Command or Response) + Address + Data.

An example of implementation is the following:

byte crc8(byte *data, int len) {
  byte lrc = 0;
  const byte *end = data + len;
  while (data < end) {
    lrc = (lrc + *data++) & 0xFF;
  return ((lrc ^ 0xFF) + 1) & 0xFF;


Sensors, actuators, and the device itself are represented by different addresses:

  • 0x00 addresses the slave host;
  • address 0xFF means all sensors/actuators on the slave;
  • Any other address (0x00 - 0xFE) represents sensors/actuators.


Counters should have values between 0x01 and 0xFF. Counters with 0x00 should be used on PUSH notifications or when the Slave replies with errors (i.e. BAD_REQUEST or INVALID). When a command is understood by the Slave, it should reply using the same counter value. If a reply with a counter value different from the expected is received, the command can be marked as failed.


Commands are messages sent from master to slave. They can be sent to the slave host, or any of the sensors/actuators available. Every command issued by the master must be followed by a response from the slave. New commands cannot be issue while a response wasn't received. Every command can be responded with an ERROR message, detailing the issue that happened.

The message format is the following:

   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
  | Command Code  |    Address    |    Counter    |    Data ...
     ... (variable size)                                          |

The fields are:

  • Checksum: checksum of message, as described on the previous sections;
  • Command Code: the byte code of the issued command;
  • Address: the address on the slave that this message is intended to;
  • Counter: a number identifying the message;
  • Data: an optional field with data to be sent to the address, specific to the addressed resource.

STATUS [0x00]

  • Description: Check the status of the slave
  • Responses:
    • ACK, if slave is OK, optinally with the timestamp of when the device was started


  • Description: Setups the connection between the devices
  • Details:
    • Expected response content is defined only for the slave host
  • Responses:
    • When sent to the slave host, must return an ACK listing the sensors/actuators, where names are separated by semicolon (;), and their position indicates the respective address. For instance:
   DATA: temp;humidity;time;
ADDRESS: -1-- -2------ -3--

GET [0x10]

  • Description: Get the current value of a sensor/actuator
  • Responses:
    • ACK with the sensor/actuator current value

SET [0x11]

  • Description: Set the current value of a sensor/actuator
  • Responses:
    • ACK with empty data, if successful

INVERT [0x12]

  • Description: If the sensor/actuator is a boolean value (true/false), invert its value from false to true, and vice-versa.
  • Responses:
    • ACK with the new value


  • Description: subscribe to a sensor, receiving PUSH notifications later
  • Details:
    • Must reply with an ACK with initial data
    • A PUSH is sent only on data change
  • Responses:
    • ACK with initial data


  • Description: Cancels an existing subscription to a given address
  • Responses:
    • ACK, if unsubscribed


  • Description: Reset the configurations for the address
  • Details:
    • When issued to the slave host, can cause a full device reset, needing to issue a new DESCRIBE
  • Responses:
    • No response should be expected


Responses are messages from the slave to master, that answer commands issued by the master. The base format is the following:

   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
  | Response Code |    Address    |    Counter    |    Data ...
     ... (variable size)                                          |

Its fields are:

  • Checksum: checksum of message, as described on the previous sections;
  • Response Code: the byte code of this response;
  • Address: the address on the slave that this message is intended to;
  • Counter: the number used to identify the original command;
  • Data: an optional field with data to be sent to the address, specific to the addressed resource.

ACK [0x00]

  • Description: notifies the master that a message was received and successfully handled


  • Description: answer that the handler could not understand the given command data

INVALID [0x41]

  • Description: warns the master that the last command received didn't match checksums

NOT_FOUND [0x44]

  • Description: warns the master that the given address doesn't exists


  • Description: let the master know that the given address doesn't know how to handle the given command code

ERROR [0x50]

  • Description: sends back a generic error, where the data contains a message detailing it


  • Description: sends debug messages from the device. These messages can be safely ignored. It is a device initiated operation.

PUSH [0xA0]

  • Description: sends updates from a subscribed address. It is also a device initiated operation.
  • Details
    • PUSH is fire-and-forget and can be sent at any time
    • Counter is set to 0


  • Establish the connection by sending STATUS commands

    • Send a RESET when master starts
    • Poll the slave with STATUS messages, till an ACK is received
  • Monitor the Slave with STATUS commands

    • Send STATUS every defined interval
    • If the slave didn't reply a number of times, consider it to be down
  • Use SUBSCRIBE together with regular GET, to prevent lost messages from not updating the data

    • SUBSCRIBE to an address
    • Use timeouts and send a GET if no PUSH was received in a while
    • Use PUSH messages as soon as received
  • Encode data using CBOR


Simple Serial Slave-Master Protocol (S3MP)






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