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A workshop centered around Docker meant to help all attendees get to their personal next step (rather than a fixed program)

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Docker festival workshop

A workshop centered around Docker meant to help all attendees get to their personal next step (rather than a fixed program).

Goals are to

  • Contribute to container adoption
  • Warn for pitfalls and drawbacks Not just about Docker Not just about containers

You have to choose a project to to work on during the workshop. We don't mind whether that's a personal or professional project. If you don't have a project you could start with with default framework-of-your-choice project OR you could help containerize existing projects like for example the DomCode rafflers

This workshop will be or has been given at:

WhyGoal of this workshop is to:


The following checklist can be used to see where you/your Dockerized application currently stand(s) and what next steps could be .

Fiddle around with a side project

This workshop assumes you have fiddled around with Docker already and will not cover any basics. Note some of the following points are very opiniated ;)


  • On Linux: services do not run as root (unless you know why you want that)
  • File mounts are read only unless you need to write to them (e.g. to store file uploads).
  • Containers run as read only unless this is not feasible. (Tip: for writable dirs take a look at tmpfs volumes)
  • Environment specific config is organized in the project, e.g: env/dev/docker-compose.yml, or env/dev/app/.envor/env/dev/db/data/{lots of binary files}`.
  • Environment specific config values are passed as environemnt variables.

Docker images

  • There is a base image (or maybe multiple) for your application that includes everything the application needs to run. Think: Operating System, runtimes, libraries, configuration etc.
  • Images include nothing more than required.
  • Base images are bases on official images whenever possible (Stand on the shoulds of giants)
  • Different responsibilities (e.g. running (Java, PHP, Ruby etc.) application code, handling web requests with e.g. Nginx) are handled by different images.
  • Images, configuration scripts for different services are organized in the project, e.g: docker/service/app/web/my-custom-webserver.conf
  • Images are configured to handle stop signals (Tip take a look at bash trap/tini/docker run --init/Dockerfile: STOPSIGNAL)
  • Services that need to resolve other services are configured to use the embedded Docker DNS ( otherwise services like Nginx will try to resolve services outside docker which results in DNS resolve conflicts.
  • Containerized CLI tools have an entrypoint configured
  • The main process in entrypoint scripts takes over the process id using exec
  • Best practices for Dockerfiles are taken into consideration
  • Applications are configured to log to stdout/stderr (which can be aggregated by Docker)

Development environment

  • There is an image (or maybe multiple) which contains ALL tools for e.g. dependency management, compiling, debugging, testing etc. This might extend your base image.
  • Different languages and thus different test and build tools run in different containers (e.g. PHP backend, JS frontend)
  • There is service orchestration (e.g. docker-compose) that runs the development images + services it depends on like databases, key-value stores, queues etc.
  • There is task orchestration (e.g. GNU Make) that creates base/dev images and starts the project.
  • Source code is mounted from the local machine into the dev container so it can be compiled or hot-reloaded after a change.
  • Local configuration files/cache dirs are mounted into the dev container so it runs just as before.
  • Helper scripts exist for containerized tools that are often run by hand (e.g. dependency managers, unit-testing frameworks)
  • When the application has dependencies on databases etc: The application knows how to wait for services to be ready before attempting to run database migrations etc e.g. by polling them. (Tip: Symfony developers take a look at: - LIIP Monitor bundle etc.)
  • When the application has dependencies on databases etc: The application runs database migrations before it starts.
  • When the application has a web interface: The application is accessible via a domain name (on standard ports like 80 or 443)
  • A pre-commit/pre-push hook is configured for version control to run tests.

Related info:


  • There is service orchestration similar to the one for development that runs the services required to build and test the application.
  • There is task orchestration that runs CI tasks like code inspection, tests and build/compile steps.
  • Tests and code inspections are run on the source code
  • The application is built/compiled
  • Built version of the application is combined with the base image into an Docker image that is production ready.
  • When the application has separate application run time and web server images: Backend code/binaries are packed in application run time image and front-end assets are packed with web server image.
  • There is service orchestration similar to the one for development that runs the built versions of the application and the services it depends on for testing.
  • There is an end-to-end test system that runs against the built application e.g. Selenium.
    • End-to-end test system knows how to determine if the application is ready to be test (fully started) e.g. by polling them with curl --fail.
  • Production images are stored in a repository
  • Production images can be deployed to a production (like) environment
  • When the project is not under active development: the above process is scheduled to prevent running old (possibly vulnerable) images in production
  • Images are scanned for vulnerabilities

Related info:


  • Services have a health check configured that helps the orchestrator decide if a service should be added or removed to the 'pool'.
  • Services have a deployment configuration that prevent things like running concurrent database migrations.
  • Services have a restart policy configured
  • Sensitive configuration is stored in a secure store rather than exposed via Environment variables (e.g. Docker Swarm Secrets
  • When running multiple instances of a service:
    • Persistent data like sessions are shared between instances (e.g. by using Redis).
  • When running a cluster:
    • Files that need to be persisted are synced accross hosts ()e.g. by using GlusterFS).- Dangling images, networks and volumes are removed on a scheduled basis.
  • When running a database with persistent storage: extra care is taken to maintain integrity (read the docs!)
  • SSL is offloaded by loadbalancer/proxy
  • Networks are encrypted

Optimized images

  • Number of layers is reduced by concatenating all installation commands (Tip: check docker history)
  • Cache from build steps, OS package managers is removed in the same layer as the were created
  • A small base image like Alpine Linux is used when possible
  • Documentation, tests, dev config files etc. are left out.

Continuous Delivery

  • Monitoring is configured to aggregate and visualize the logs from all containers e.g: with Prometheus/Grafana or ELK Stack
  • Services can be auto rolled back upon error.



Highly recommended: contains a lot of practical suggestions for working with Swarm, setting up clusters in a fully automated fashion. This book is full of practical suggestions for setting up continous delivery, monitoring, logging and databases.

A proper introduction to Docker and Docker Compose.


Training & tutorials

By one of the trainers


A workshop centered around Docker meant to help all attendees get to their personal next step (rather than a fixed program)






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