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Releases: ludus-leonis/FreeBeeGee

v0.23.0 - Shady Shrew

29 Oct 16:42
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v0.23.0 - Shady Shrew Pre-release

Notable changes

  • added cursor-key movement of selection
  • added piece depth / customizable shadows
  • added minor/major grid-on-tiles option
  • added support for some dedicated hardware keys (help, undo, copy, paste, zoom, ...)
  • added rotation for dice
  • added create-room dialog will remember last used snapshot on this server
  • improved square and hex grids
  • improved and added full color support to all Hex tiles
  • simplified setup/upgrade/backup by auto-populating api/data
  • renamed overlays to stickers and removed their default shadows

Other changes

  • added system-assets separator line in library window
  • added better hint for new installations if default password is still set
  • added deprecated PHP 7.3 detection to self diagnosis
  • added exclude of protected pieces from multi-select operation, instead of denying it to all
  • moved wooden cubes from tile to token section in library
  • improved display of available asset sides and sizes in the library
  • improved grid visibility
  • improved edit-tile dropdown sizes
  • fixed dragging multi-selection not snapping correctly
  • fixed a minor masked-token bug
  • fixed demo-labels in RPG snapshot
  • fixed low quality shadows going in wrong direction

v0.22.0 - Remorseful Reindeer

13 Oct 12:03
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Notable changes

  • added undo via ctrl-z or settings dialog
  • added select-all via ctrl-a
  • added Snow and Ice backgrounds

Other changes

  • fixed asset no longer selected after rename in library editor
  • fixed selection lost after clone/copy in demo mode
  • fixed wrong piece color '0'
  • fixed room auto upgrade do not recreating mandatory folders
  • fixed wrong dropdown opens left of edit field
  • fixed [enter] no longer closing edit modals
  • fixed holding keys repeats actions
  • refactored internal asset ID calculation
  • refactored test exports to use _test object

v0.21.0 - Wailing Woodpecker

10 Sep 13:26
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Notable changes

  • added option to edit asset name / size / material / color to library editor
  • added copy/cut/paste between tables in a room
  • added paper background for windows and cards
  • added half-rotations via settings (45° for square, 30° for hex)
  • added wooden cubes (small, medium, large) to default snapshot library
  • changed tile+token sides to be shown as individual pieces in library
  • changed docker image to PHP 8.2
  • renamed library manager to library editor

Other changes

  • added pre-selection of asset based on selected token when library is opened
  • added tabular numbers for library editor tree/preview
  • added JSDoc linting and moved linting from gulp to npm
  • added GitHub Actions for automated build
  • added error message when snapshot list is empty
  • fixed texture bug on masked non-square assets
  • fixed click on icon in popup does not trigger function
  • changed new-note to show the edit window first instead of creating an empty note
  • improved server-delete timespan display to show days and weeks
  • improved information on docker installation and volume mounting
  • replaced gulp-image with custom image shrinker plugin
  • replaced sass-lint with stylelint

v0.20.0 - Advising Antelope

28 Aug 09:22
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Notable changes

  • added library manager - press shift+L to open
  • added pile feature
  • added PHP 8.3 support
  • added inch-indicators to LOS-line
  • added shift-disables-snapping for LOS-line

Other changes

  • fixed token border won't scale with zoom
  • fixed non-square token/tile images alignment off
  • fixed button spinner not always hiding label
  • refactored piece editor modals into separate files
  • removed obsolete test.php

v0.19.0 - Frying Frog

24 Jul 06:31
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v0.19.0 - Frying Frog Pre-release

Notable changes

  • added 'rough' and 'linen' material for pieces
  • added support for G-Z as token 'number'
  • added PHP 8.2 support

Other changes

  • added automated tests for zip/tgz packages after build
  • added setup variant variant grid-hex2 for hexes rotated 90°
  • added assets/material folder to snapshots
  • added autocomplete of side in asset name (allow 1x1 instead of 1x1x1)
  • fixed trailing slash in apache config confuses FBG
  • fixed docker build not pulling latest php baseimage
  • fixed token selection not properly working when clicking through transparent dicemap
  • refactored api tests in all/latest
  • refactored FreeBeeGeeAPI globals into consts
  • removed minimizing of pre-minimized snapshot assets

v0.18.0 - Zooming Zokor

18 Oct 12:25
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Notable changes

  • added zoom - via '+'/'-' or the [S]ettings
  • added 'Cardboard', 'Dark', 'Leather', 'Paper', 'Sand' and 'Space' backgrounds
  • added markdown support to notes, increased max. length to 256
  • added default token backsides (again)

Other changes

  • added plain token
  • added a bcrypt tool for easier setup at URL /tools
  • unified wording 'template'/'snapshot' to 'snapshot' only
  • fixed LOS selected
  • fixed wrong cursor on notes in measure mode
  • fixed asset filenames
  • fixed wrong color names in autoconverted snapshots
  • fixed spinner button text
  • fixed drag cursor sometimes sticks
  • fixed sync stops when modal is open too long
  • improved library previews
  • improved grids
  • improved background image quality
  • improved duplicate asset handling
  • improved monospace typography
  • removed raw HTML support in notes

v0.17.0 - Rotating Rook

12 Sep 14:33
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Notable changes

  • added shift-drag to disable snapping while dragging
  • added animation to rotating pieces
  • added option to pick piece material (paper, wood) during image upload

Other changes

  • added autodetection of piece type and size based on image dimensions in upload modal
  • added defaultTemplate setting to server.json
  • added layersEnabled setting to template.json
  • added initial table setting to template.json
  • added infos how to file bugs to the docs
  • added infos how to use snapshots and templates to the docs
  • added password-wrong message on login screen
  • added ellipsis for long piece label texts
  • fixed adding notes does not reset selection
  • fixed popup closing when other player interacts with table
  • fixed no grid visible in low quality mode
  • fixed empty goblin label in RPG template
  • fixed hardcoded engine versions in integration tests

v0.16.0 - Selecting Seal

01 Aug 09:44
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Notable changes

  • added multi-select
  • added circle & wall overlay
  • removed default backsides for pieces

Other changes

  • fixed area overlays are hard to select
  • fixed snapshot download not working with password rooms
  • fixed laser-pointer / los-line selectable
  • fixed no grab-cursor when grabbing notes & popups
  • fixed npm build / removed broken gulp-svg2png
  • changed gulpfile.js to use imports & bumped dependencies

v0.15.0 - Protecting Porpoise

17 Apr 18:30
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Notable changes

  • added table passwords
  • added protected pieces - prevent delete, clone and/or move
  • added dice in 13 colors
  • added area, pin and zone overlays in 13 colors
  • added Backgammon, Mills, Solitaire, Oware, Pachisi and TicTacToe to Classic template

Other changes

  • added Docker build
  • added multicolor / colormask assets
  • added random material offsets
  • fixed dragging some pieces should not change z (e.g. dicemat)
  • fixed disable-rotate for other-pieces
  • fixed _ assets not counting against room size limit

v0.14.0 - Verbose Vicuna

15 Mar 13:18
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This is a breaking release, changing IDs. Old snapshots/rooms will (probably) no longer work.

Notable changes

  • added support for multiple icons/badges per token - toggle them in the edit window
  • added right-click-popup for table - to access the library and settings
  • added more table backgrounds
  • added PHP 8.1 support (7.2 and 7.3 are deprecated now but should still work)
  • improved feedback on configuration issues (server permissions, upload limits)

Other changes

  • added number token (0..9)
  • added auto-migration of rooms from compatible engine versions
  • added option to force-migrate rooms from incompatible engine versions
  • added better feedback when uploading incompatible templates/snapshots
  • added better feedback when uploading too large snapshots
  • added better feedback when existing rooms fail after server updates
  • added better feedback when library upload fails
  • added to tutorial: laser-pointer, settings, measure mode
  • added check for write permissions in data folder during setup/room create
  • added system template - always added to each template/snapshot
  • added demo mode - separate build necessary
  • added more unit and API integration tests
  • fixed pieces sometimes getting selected when clicking in transparent areas
  • fixed loading of rooms of older versions
  • changed default max room size to 16MB and max room count to 32 - customize them in server.json
  • changed IDs to 8-digit 64-base strings
  • changed RPG template tiles to paper material
  • changed RPG letter/symbol token into two
  • changed API - backgrounds now part of server JSON, not room JSON
  • changed 'tag' to 'badge'