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Lugo4Py - A Lugo Bots Client

Lugo4Py is a Python implementation of a client player for Lugo game.

It is not a bot that plays the game, it is only the client to connect to the game server.

This package implements many methods that does not affect the player intelligence/behaviour/decisions. It is meant to reduce the developer concerns on communication, protocols, attributes, etc.

Using this client, you just need to implement the Artificial Intelligence of your player and some other few methods to support your strategy (see the project exampe folder).

Table of Contents




pip install lugo4py


Lugo4Py implements a very basic logic to reduce the code boilerplate. This client will wrap most repetitive code that handles the raw data got by the bot and will identify the player state.

Implement the Bot interface to handle each player state based on the ball possession.

class Bot(ABC):
    def on_disputing (self, orderSet: lugo4py.OrderSet, snapshot: lugo4py.GameSnapshot) -> lugo4py.OrderSet:
        # on_disputing is called when no one has the ball possession

    def on_defending (self, orderSet: lugo4py.OrderSet, snapshot: lugo4py.GameSnapshot) -> lugo4py.OrderSet:
        # OnDefending is called when an opponent player has the ball possession

    def on_holding (self, orderSet: lugo4py.OrderSet, snapshot: lugo4py.GameSnapshot) -> lugo4py.OrderSet:
        # OnHolding is called when this bot has the ball possession

    def on_supporting (self, orderSet: lugo4py.OrderSet, snapshot: lugo4py.GameSnapshot) -> lugo4py.OrderSet:
        # OnSupporting is called when a teammate player has the ball possession

    def as_goalkeeper (self, orderSet: lugo4py.OrderSet, snapshot: lugo4py.GameSnapshot, state: PLAYER_STATE) -> lugo4py.OrderSet:
        # AsGoalkeeper is only called when this bot is the goalkeeper (number 1). This method is called on every turn,
        # and the player state is passed at the last parameter.

    def getting_ready (self, snapshot: lugo4py.GameSnapshot):
        # getting_ready will be called before the game starts and after a goal event. You will only need to implement
        # this method in very rare cases.

First option: Implementing a Bot class (simpler and recommended)

See example

Lugo4py client implements the method play_as_bot(bot) that expects an instance bot implementation.

All you need to do is creating your bot by extending that class and implementing your bot behaviour. See an example at example/simple/

Second option: Using reinforcement learning 🧠

If you are a machine learning enthusiastic you may want to use the Lugo reinforcement learning environment.

Lugo bots is an asynchronous game, so you will need to use the Lugo4py Gym library to create your model:

See example and documentation at RL lib readme file


Ee encourage you to clone The Dummies Py project and start from there. The read me file will have all details you need.

Deploying you bots

After developing your bot, you may share it with other developers.

Please find the instructions for uploading your bot on

There is a Dockerfile template in the example directory to guide you how to create a container.


There are a many things that you will repeatedly need to do on your bot code, e.g. getting your bot position, creating a move/kick/catch order, finding your teammates positions, etc.

This package brings a collection of functions that will help you get that data from the game snapshot:

config = lugo4py.EnvVarLoader()

reader = lugo4py.GameSnapshotReader(snapshot, bot.side)

Mapper and Region

This package also provides a quite useful pair: the Mapper and Region classes.

The Mapper

Mapper slices the field in columns and rows, so your bot does not have to care about precise coordinates or the team side. The mapper will automatically translate the map position to the bot side.

And you may define how many columns/rows your field will be divided into.

# let's create a map 10x5 
map = lugo4py.Mapper(10, 5, config.get_bot_team_side())

targetRegion = map.get_region(5, 2)

my_region = mapper.get_region_from_point(me.position) 

The Region

The Mapper will slice the field into Regions. The Region struct helps your bot to move over the field without caring about coordinates or team side.

target_region = map.get_region_from_point(bot.position)

region_in_front_of_me = target_region.front()
region_in_back_of_me = target_region.back()
region_in_left_of_me = target_region.left()
region_in_right_of_me = target_region.right()

my_col = target_region.get_col()
my_row = target_region.get_row()

moveOrder, err_ := reader.makeOrderMoveMaxSpeed(position,

Snapshot reader

The Snapshot reader is quite useful. Firs to it helps you to extract data from the Game Snapshot each game turn.

reader = lugo4py.GameSnapshotReader(snapshot, self.side)
reader.get_player(side, number)

And also help us to create the Turn Orders Set based on the game state and our bot team side:

reader = lugo4py.GameSnapshotReader(snapshot, bot.side)
reader.make_order_jump(origin, target, speed)
reader.make_order_kick(ball, target, speed)
reader.make_order_kick_max_speed(ball, target)
reader.make_order_move(origin, target, speed)
reader.make_order_move_from_vector(direction, speed)
reader.make_order_move_max_speed(origin, target)

And, last but not least, the Reader also helps our bot to see the game map based on directions instead of coordinates:


The trainable bot

The trainable bot is an interface defined here

docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 5000:5000 lugobots/server:latest play --dev-mode --timer-mode=remote

python3 -m example.rl.main