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Use Stimulusjs with simple, one-way data binding to reduce boilerplate code.

It is just a 3k file when gzipped.


Include in your project:

yarn add stimulus-bind jsep stimulus
# or
npm i stimulus-bind jsep stimulus --save


<div data-controller="foo_controller">
    My Name is
    <input type="text" data-action="input->foo_controller#nameChanged" data-target="my_name_input">
  <div style="color:blue;" data-target="my_name_greet"/>
  <div style="color:red;" data-target="my_name_error">name is empty</div>

The use of data-controller, data-action and data-target is the same as in stimulus guide.

The JS is a bit different:

import StimulusBind from 'stimulus-bind'

class MyController extends StimulusBind {
  nameChanged() {
    this.myName = this.ref('my_name_input').value

StimulusBind.register('foo_controller', MyController, {
  my_name_greet: {text: '"Hello, " + myName', if: 'myName'},
  my_name_error: {if: '!myName'}
  • Inherit the controller from StimulusBind instead of stimulus.Controller.
  • Do not set the targets field in controller, instead, set bindings when registering.
  • register under StimulusBind, a global app will be created when needed.
  • ref(targetName) returns the first target in or not in DOM (including the ones hidden by if binders).
  • refs(targetname) returns all targets, including the ones detached by if binders.

The binding data is in the format of:

    {targetName}: {
        {binder1}: {bindValueExpression1},
        {binder2}: {bindValueExpression2},

All bindings are one-way binding.

When the dependent data changed, targets with binders will react the update at once.

Expressions must a string of simple js expression that jsep can parse. In the expression we allow:

  • function calls
  • operators
  • getting properties

And the framework will compute what values does this expression depend on and do a minimal update when neccessary.

Available Binders

  • value value of input element
  • checked checkbox or radio is checked
  • disabled disabled based on an expression
  • text binds content text to an expression
  • html binds inner html to an expression
  • style-* binds extra style name on a value, for example: notification_bar: {'style-color': 'error ? "white" : "black"', 'style-background-color': 'error ? "red" : "yellow"'}.
  • class-* binds extra class name on a value, for example: foo: {'class-flat': 'useFlatTheme'}
  • if element exist or not, based on the expression value

Other binders like src, href, ... will reflect to element attributes.

There is no each binder, the complexity of rendering each binders is beyond what a simple data binding framework can do.


It is a very simple data binding, elements won't refresh if you change nested data like: = bar.

Instead, you can: = bar; this.someData = this.someData; // triggers update.

You can only use instance method in a function call in the binder expression, and the method must be pure.


Enable simple data binding for stimulusjs






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