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Spring Boot 2.7 using Rest Repository for JPA using H2 in memory database - NO CONTROLLER - it is automatically generated/handled by Spring Data Rest. This application (Challenge #2) will run in local (H2 persistent), test (H2 transient - for CI/CD) and Prod (MariaDB)

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Getting Started


You can use SDKMAN to manage your Java and Maven runtimes, and there is a very good tutorial about how to use SDKMAN here.

  • Java 17
sdk install java
  • Maven 3.8.5
sdk install maven 3.8.5

Build and Run

Using Maven


mvn clean install

Running only the Tests

mvn test

Running the application

Test Environment

Test environment will use H2SQL in memory mode to persist your test data

mvn spring-boot:run

or using just Java

mvn clean install
java -jar target/api-crud-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 
Local Environment

Local environment will use H2SQL in file to persist your changes

mvn spring-boot:run

or using just Java

mvn clean install
java -jar target/api-crud-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 
Prod Environment

Running Docker MariaDB to provide Database support and run the application using your own Machine (for test and debug)

  • To create the MariaDB container, if it is not created
docker run --name db -d -e MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e MARIADB_DATABASE=mydb mariadb:latest
  • To stop the MariaDB container, if the container is already running
docker stop db
  • To restart the MariaDB container, if the container is already created do
docker start db
  • To remove the MariaDB container, stop the container first and then
docker rm db

Then, start the application using maven

mvn spring-boot:run

... or execute directly from the JAR file, after you build it usinbg maven

mvn clean install
java -jar target/api-crud-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 

To customize the deploy to connect in another MYSQL database, please set these environment variables:

  • MYSQL_HOST: connects to the defined host (default localhost)
  • MYSQL_PORT: connects to the defined port (default 3306)
  • MYSQL_DATABASE: select the database as default for opened connection (default mydb)
  • MYSQL_USERNAME: connects to database using the username (default root)
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD: connects to database using the username (default password)
  • SQL_QUERIES_SHOW: show all SQL statements generated by JPA (default false)
  • SQL_QUERIES_FORMAT: pretty format all SQL statements generated by JPA (default false)


export MYSQL_DATABASE=customer_data
export MYSQL_USERNAME=customers
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=str0ngp@ssw0rd
export SQL_QUERIES_SHOW=true
java -jar target/api-crud-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 

It works because the application-deploy.yml profile has placeholders to find the value from the environment variables or use a default value. Please realize when you create your local MariaDB container you set the all parameters to match default profile values.

Using IDE

I used IntelliJ Idea from JetBrains to build this application but you also can use Eclipse, or Netbeans to run this application.



For further reference, please consider the following sections:


The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:


Spring Boot 2.7 using Rest Repository for JPA using H2 in memory database - NO CONTROLLER - it is automatically generated/handled by Spring Data Rest. This application (Challenge #2) will run in local (H2 persistent), test (H2 transient - for CI/CD) and Prod (MariaDB)







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