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Bosun Tutorial


In this manual $EXP_REPOS is the local directory where you want to keep the model experiments (local repository) in your local machine. To name it exp_repos and place in your $HOME dir:

$ EXP_REPOS=~/exp_repos


First you need to install Mercurial, a version control system, if not previously installed. As first step, you should teach Mercurial your name (required). For that you open/create the file ~/.hgrc in your home directory with a text-editor and add the ui section (user interaction) with your username:

username = name <>

In Mercurial, we do all of our work inside a repository which will be $EXP_REPOS set up in the Introduction. A repository is a directory that contains all of the source files that we want to keep history of, along with complete histories of those source files. To do this, we will use the clone command (hg clone). This makes a clone of a repository (remote in our case); it makes a complete copy of another repository so that we will have our own local, private one to work in. We will bring the experiments repository to your local machine after the installation is finished.

Installing dependencies and Bosun

We need to install a series of software dependencies for Bosun to work, although it already has built-in dependencies in itself that are installed automatically.

First, we install virtualenv which is a tool to create isolated Python environments. It creates a Python interpreter that uses an isolated environment in order to not create conflicts among different versions or libraries installed. Anytime you use that interpreter the libraries in that environment will be used. To install it follow instructions from the official documentation , where myVE is the name of the virtualenv (".bosun_env" , for example).

In order to use this recently created environment it is necessary to activate it. To do that we execute the following command:

$ source ~/.bosun_env/bin/activate

This command will change your $PATH so its first entry is the virtualenv's bin/ directory and your prompt is changed so that you can visually distinguish when this environment is activated (you have to use source because it changes your shell environment in-place.). The activate command only alters the $PATH and prompt of you working terminal, if you want to use Bosun in another terminal you will have to activate it in that new terminal too. If you want to undo the changes done with activate you execute the following command:

(environment) $ deactivate

Finally, install another dependency and Bosun:

$ pip install bosun
$ rm

Preparing Bosun for first use

Before running Bosun for the first time, please configure your username, remote host and connection port, so that you don’t need to type it every time you use it. This configuration is placed inside the file ~/.bosunrc (.bosunrc in your $HOME directory) and needs to be edited/created.

Ex:1) If you are inside CPTEC/INPE:

user: your_user_at_tupa
user: your_user_at_tupa
hosts: lmo-f
port: 6000


In order to update Bosun without installing all the built-in dependencies again:

$ pip install -U --no-deps bosun==dev

Downloading experiments repository to your local machine

Bring the experiments repository to your local machine using:

$ hg clone ssh://tupa//stornext/online2/ocean/exp_repos $EXP_REPOS

When you clone a repository, the new repository becomes an exact copy of the existing one at the time of the clone, but subsequent changes in either one will not show up in the other unless you explicitly transfer them, by either pulling (hg pull -u) or pushing (hg push) using Mercurial.

Creating a new experiment

In order to create a new experiment, copy the directory expbase to a new exp dir, e.g. expnew:

$ cd $EXP_REPOS/exp
$ cp -R expbase expnew
$ cd expnew

The new experiment directory will have the following structure: 1. MODELIN 1. AGCM model configuration 1. input.nml 1. OGCM and coupler configuration. 1. instrument_coupler.apa 1. Instrumentation configuration. 1. namelist.yaml Configurations for running the experiment.

1. runscripts/ 1. Files for compiling, executing, and post-processing. You should not need to modify these. 1. tables/ 1. field_table 2. diag_table 3. data_table 1. 1. data_override

Go on and edit namelist.yaml which contains the experiment name, start/end dates, etc:

$ vi namelist.yaml

Change name to expnew and save.

$ cd tables

Edit diag_table for selecting diagnostic variables for the OGCM model outputs:

$ vi diag_table
$ cd $EXP_REPOS/exp

Update new exp in the repository:

$ hg add expnew

Check for changes:

$ hg pull –u

Merge if necessary:

$ hg merge

The act of creating a changeset in the main repository is called committing it. We perform a commit using the commit command. The hg commit command has a nice short alias: ci ("check in"), so we can use that:

$ hg ci

This drops us into an editor, and presents us with a few cryptic lines of text. The first line is empty and the lines that follow identify the user, branch name and the files that will go into this changeset. Edit the text in the first line briefly mentioning your changes so it can be understood by yourself and other users of the same repository/branch.

Upload your changes to the main repository (remote) using:

$ hg push

Running Tasks

Before running a task with Bosun, please check if your virtualenv is activated:

$ source ~/.bosun_env/bin/activate

Bosun has several tasks that can be performed. To list the available tasks to be performed:

$ bosun --list

To detail the task dependencies and which variables need to be set in the namelists respective to a specific task from the list:

$ bosun -d taskname

Run Experiment from scratch

In order to run a full model cycle, i.e. prepare (create all directories, and copy the necessary inputs to the right place), compile and run: $ bosun deploy_and_run:name=expnew The three tasks performed in deploy_and_run can also be achieved if the user runs the tasks: prepare, compilation, and run in this specific order. This will create directories in: /scratchin/grupos/ocean/home/${USER}/${EXP}/ containing source files for compilation, namelists, and executables for this specific experiment. It will also create directories in: /scratchout/grupos/ocean/home/${USER}/${EXP}/${TYPE}/ where ${TYPE} is the type of run: ocean model only (mom4p1_falsecoupled) or coupled ocean/atmosphere run (coupled). It contains the input, outputs, and restart files. If running a coupled run, the atmospheric outputs are located in: /scratchout/grupos/ocean/home/${USER}/${EXP}/coupled/model/dataout/TQ0062L028/

Restart an experiment

Assuming you've successfully ran the model, you now have the model restart files written to your RESTART directory. For safety, rename the restart directory to save the data intact, before starting a new run: $ cp RESTART RESTART_yyyymmddhh In order to restart and existing experiment: $ bosun restart:name=expnew,restart=yyyymmddhh,finish=yyyymmddhh This task will check the current model time in /RESTART/coupler.res against the given date and return an error message if they do not match. Observation: If restarting again, don't forget to rename the newly formed RESTART directory if you plan to keep those files!

Creating new grids

The generation of new grids is treated in the same way as a regular experiment in Bosun. However, it does require some editing of the grid specification data file (to be moved inside the namelist in the future):

$ cd $EXP_REPOS/exp
$ cp -R expbase expnewgrid
$ cd expnewgrid
$ vi runscripts/mom4_pre/ocean_grid_run.csh

Usually you will need to edit hgrid_nml, vgrid_nml and topog_nml inside this file to include your grid specifications and suitable topography file for the intended resolution before running.

Once you configured your new grid, you need to commit the changes and send to the remote machine:

$ hg add expnewgrid
$ hg pull -u
$ hg commit -m "New grid generation"
$ hg push

In order to create the grid and the exchange grid for the coupled model using Bosun:

$ bosun generate_grid:name="expnewgrid"
$ bosun make_xgrids:name="expnewgrid"

This tasks will generate the following file in the remote machine:


The is the actual file that will be used when running the model. It is recommended to change the name of the file so that it includes the grid resolution, e.g. for a 1/10 of degree global regular grid.

Regridding required fields for new grids

The generation of regrid fields is also treated in the same way as a regular experiment in Bosun. Make sure that you have the destination grid available if it wasn't created using the previous section. Go on and edit namelist.yaml inside expnewgrid:

$ vi namelist.yaml
regrid_3d_src_file: /stornext/online2/ocean/database/
regrid_3d_dest_grid: ${gengrid_workdir}/

Make sure "regrid_3d_run_this_module" is set to "True" in order to run the regrid 3D module, then edit the above three lines in order to set the source file, e.g. with temperature and salt 3D fields (monthly climatology with 12 time steps), your model grid file, and the output file name.

Make sure the number of variables and their names in runscripts/mom4_pre/regrid_3d_run.csh match the names of the source fields in regrid_3d_src_file:

$ vi runscripts/mom4_pre/regrid_3d_run.csh
numfields = 2
src_field_name = 'temp','salt'

Once the above is done, run the task:

$ bosun regrid_3d:name="expnewgrid"

This will create the following regrid file in the directory:


Always check if the output file really contains the required fields with the correct numbers of grid points and time steps before running the model.

To start a run using a new grid, it is also required to have three other 2D fields regridded: temp, salt, and chlorophyll. Go on and edit namelist.yaml inside expnewgrid:

$ vi namelist.yaml
  file: ${expdir}/tables/regrid_2d.nml
      numfields: 1
      src_file: /stornext/online2/ocean/database/
      src_field_name: temp
      dest_field_name: temp
      dest_grid: ${gengrid_workdir}/
      dest_grid_type: T
      vector_field: False

Make sure "regrid_2d_run_this_module" is set to "True" in order to run the regrid 2D module, then edit the regrid_2d_namelist shown in the lines above. You'll need to edit this regrid_2d_namelist for each field and create individual files for temp, salt, and chlorophyll.

This will create the following regrid file in the directory:
