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Configuration Files

jkan67-de edited this page Jul 24, 2024 · 18 revisions

Teleoperation Configuration

Parameter file location: Remote Controller Parameter file


  • require_enable_button (bool, default: true)

    • Whether to require the enable button for enabling movement.
  • enable_button (int, default: 0)

    • Joystick button to enable regular-speed movement.
  • axis_linear.<axis>

    • Joystick axis to use for linear movement control.
      • axis_linear.x (int, default: 5)
        • For B.ob, this is the "RT" button, which is number 4, used for forward movement.
  • scale_linear.<axis>

    • Scale to apply to the joystick linear axis for regular-speed movement.
      • scale_linear.x (double, default: 0.5)
  • axis_linear_reverse.<axis>

    • Joystick axis to use for linear movement control for backward movement.
      • axis_linear_reverse.x
        • For B.ob, this is the "LT" button, which is number 5, used for backward movement.
  • scale_linear_reverse.<axis>

    • Scale to apply to the joystick linear axis for regular-speed backward movement.
      • scale_linear_reverse.x (double, default: 0.5)
  • axis_angular.<axis>

    • Joystick axis to use for angular movement control.
      • axis_angular.yaw (int, default: 2)
        • For B.ob, this is the "LSB" left joystick, which is number 0.
  • scale_angular.<axis>

    • Scale to apply to the joystick angular axis.
      • scale_angular.yaw (double, default: 0.5)

Controller Limits Configuration

Parameter file location: Ros2 Controllers Parameter file


Ros2 Differential Drive Controller parameters

Lidar Configuration

Seeing that Bob has a pole attached to him, the scans which hit the pole needs to be filtered out. These parameters allow you to select which angles to filter out.

Parameter file location: Lidar Parameter file


  • min_angle

    • minimum angle in degrees for the scan to exist.
  • max_angle

    • maximum angle in degrees for the scan to exist

PID Configuration

Parameter file location: PID Parameter file


  • Kp

    • Proportional gain constant.
  • Ki

    • Integral gain constant.
  • Kd

    • Differential gain constant.
  • min_output

    • minimum output limiter.
  • max_output

    • maximum output limiter.
  • min_sum

    • minimum integral sum.
  • max_sum

    • maximum integral sum.

EKF Localization Configuration

Parameter file location: EKF Localisation Parameter file


EKF Localisation Parameters

SLAM Configuration

Parameter file location: SLAM Parameter file


SLAM Parameters

AMCL Configuration

TBD Parameter file location: AMCL Parameter file


AMCL Parameters